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Trade ministers debate globalisation, trade and fair competition

Trade ministers debate globalisation, trade and fair competition
Trade ministers debate globalisation, trade and fair competition

The G7 arrives in Calabria, il intergovernmental forum composed of Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The European Union also participates. In this year of the Italian presidency of the G7after the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the G7 Countriestwo weeks ago in Borgo Egnazia in Puglia, with the three days in Trieste on Education concluded yesterday, the sessions are now opening sessions scheduled to July.

The first two are dedicated to Science and Technology – 9, 10 and 11 July at Bologna and Forlì – e Work and Employment – 11-12-13 July a Cagliari. Then the July 16th and 17th will be the turn of Villa San Giovanni and Reggio Calabria on the theme of Trade. It’s still Urban Development, 24-25-26 July a Genova.

The other appointments will follow on Culture19-20-21 September a Positano, Agriculture26-27-28 September at Syracuse e Interior2-3-4 October ad Avellino.

So at the tip of the boot, The group of 7 major advanced economies will meet through trade ministersThe aim is to strengthen the role of the G7 as a factor of stability in light of the ongoing crises.

The priorities of the Italian presidency

In the transversal perspective marked by defense of multilateralism and international orderhere are the priorities of the Italian presidency: Ukraine, Middle East and Red Seascenarios of wars and tensions from which the possibility of global and lasting peace passes.

Africa and the Mattei plan, with the programmatic and strategic framework (endowed with 5.5 billion euros) marked by areas of action and priority objectives of cooperation with African countries.

Indo-Pacific in which to strengthen political stability, promoting the economic cooperation and continuing to maintain a constructive dialogue with China. The need to respect international law and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea should be underlined.

I global themes

The Italian Presidency intends to relaunch the commitment of the international community on the issues of IArtificial Intelligence between resources and dangers. Without neglecting the energy transition and climate changei, crucial for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, known as Agenda 2030. This is inspired by the close link between human well-being, the health of natural systems and the presence of common challenges for all countries.

For what concern “Commerce” strand, priorities include strengthening the World Trade Organizationthe seeking fair conditions of global competition and countering economic coercion. These focus with which Italy also intended to characterize its Presidency

The announcement a year ago

So they get closer 16-17 July 2024 when in Villa San Giovanni and Reggio Calabria will take place G7 Trade Ministers Meeting. Will be chaired by the vice president of the council and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Antonio Tajani. He himself announced it a year ago, on the occasion of the conference organized by the Provincial Coordination Forza Italia Reggio CalabriaThe title of the event was “Bridge over the Strait, Strength of Italy – Key to the Future of the Mediterranean”. L’appointment, of absolute international importance, it was also relaunched also by the deputy group leader of Forza Italia in the Chamber of Deputies and new regional coordinator in his first public outing, Francis Cannizzaro.

Trade policies, environment and solidarity

Global trade, sustainable and inclusive growth, safeguards freedom of navigation and maritime traffic trade in the face of regional crises, from the Red Sea to the Indo-Pacific. Then four focuses: strengthening the multilateral trading system through the reform of the World Trade Organization (Omc), level playing field in access to third markets, trade and environmental sustainability, and economic resilience and security.

The event program will also involve the Port of Gioia Tauro, the first Italian port for goods traffic and the eighth in Europe. The international meeting will also be an opportunity to promote the “Food for Gaza” initiative, launched by Minister Tajani to alleviate the suffering of the civilian population in Gaza.

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