The congress of the Brescian ACLI in the name of work and brotherhood

The congress of the Brescian ACLI in the name of work and brotherhood
The congress of the Brescian ACLI in the name of work and brotherhood

The courage of peace in the new mandate of the Brescian ACLI. This is one of the guiding threads for the next provincial council, elected yesterday afternoon after a two-day congress that saw the presence in Brescia of delegates from the 71 clubs. “We are not referring to peace only as the absence of war – explained the outgoing president, Pierangelo Milesi, in his speech – but also and above all to the deeper political meaning that it brings with it. Peace is social pacification, respect for the environment, fair work, inclusive communities, care for relationships, protection of differences, spirituality embodied in daily action”.

Among the central themes, also that of work. “The expansion of the offer of employment services represents a challenge for the future of Acli: in the coming years, especially with artificial intelligence, work is destined to experience profound changes, for which people must be accompanied and assisted with competence, professionalism and humanity”. The debate, which took on board the stimuli coming from the training course “But the sky is always bluer” carried out in Bresca, revolved around the themes of peace, community, democracy, sustainability, work.

From the discussion, the solid programmatic basis emerged for the new provincial council, which will have the mandate to assume fraternity as a new political paradigm, consider peace as a priority, relaunch the European project, as well as take care of a popular, synodal, democratic, peaceful, Christian style of the Acli translating into the constructive and active mediation of the territories. Furthermore, the congress committed the new provincial council to keeping the theme of safe and dignified work alive, starting with training and the participation of workers. The 36 new members of the new provincial council have also been elected and will express the new presidency in the first meeting scheduled in a few days.


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