Another attack in Borgata Aurelia

Another attack in Borgata Aurelia
Another attack in Borgata Aurelia

CIVITAVECCHIA – More attacks and more days of alarm in the prisons of Lazio. yesterday was in fact a day that saw several episodes, in Rome, Frosinone and Civitavecchia. The complaint came from the secretary of the Fns Cisl Massimo Costantino who reported yet another attack which took place in Borgata Aurelia, around 10.30. Here, according to the trade unionist, the situation is «critical. Yesterday morning – he said – four officers, and also a prisoner, were attacked by another armed with an artificial knife.”

And Costantino also highlighted the problem of overcrowding, which «at a regional level – he explained – is increasing compared to the previous month and now stands at 1,498 prisoners considering that 6,779 prisoners are imprisoned in the 14 institutes of Lazio, compared to a planned regulatory capacity of 5,281 inmates. Overcrowding is also seen in the juvenile circuit: the few remaining policemen are forced to work grueling shifts without turnover or assignment of new units. What lies ahead is a very heavy summer season, because prison overcrowding is increasing day by day and the shortages in the supply of penitentiary police personnel are reaching levels that have rarely been recorded. And it is precisely in the Lazio region that we see an extreme situation with shortages of 930 missing in the region’s penitentiaries, that is, almost 20% of the national figure.”

In particular, as regards Civitavecchia, 15 agents in via Tarquinia and 54 in Borgata Aurelia would be missing.

“Further interventions are needed from the Government, because those already put in place since last year with peaks of new hires, finally, never seen before in these numbers – concluded the trade unionist – are insufficient to manage what is now a serious emergency” .

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