Accident during the football match. Fundraising to treat Davide

Accident during the football match. Fundraising to treat Davide
Accident during the football match. Fundraising to treat Davide

Solidarity race to help a young man and his family see the light again. Hope is overseas, but it takes a lot of money and the Lions Club Valdelsa, under the presidency of Fabio Cantini, embraces the cause and launches a fundraiser. There are different stories that cross the lives of many families. This is one of them. It is the story that for over a year has swallowed up Davide Papaccioli, a young man from Poggibonsi who these days turns 20.

Since May 10th last year he and his family have been fighting to snatch at least part of the life Davide had before this fateful day from a bitter destiny. The one in which he, an aspiring footballer working for Virtus Biancoazzurra, at the Don Emidio Smorti in via San Gimignano in Poggibonsi, during a football match, fell while trying to win an aerial ball. The impact on the ground resulted in head trauma, with crushing of the central artery of the brain. He ended up in a coma. A drama that started a real ordeal. Given up as a goner, he was promptly operated on and stabilized in Neurosurgery at Le Scotte. Then the continuous care, even in a rehabilitation facility in the province of Lecco, the love of his family with his three brothers and the indescribable dedication of father Michele and mother Rejane brought progress. But they are not enough. Despite the great work of the doctors at Scotte, that of the experts at the Poggibonsi Prosthesis Center and of all those who followed Davide, now is the time for a leap in quality. It could be done in private centers specialized in neurological physiotherapy but in Italy the cost is high. The solution is a clinic in Sao Paulo, Brazil, excellent and cheaper, where the whole Papaccioli family will move for three or six months. Only solidarity will be able to give important help to Davide and his family on this uphill but hopeful journey. The Valdelsa Lions Club provides an Iban for donations: IT38W0103071940000003642418 Service “Davide Papaccioli”. For information write to the e-mail: [email protected].

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this