Cgil, 21 thousand “Florentine” signatures for the 4 referendums on work – Cgil Firenze

Cgil, 21 thousand “Florentine” signatures for the 4 referendums on work – Cgil Firenze
Cgil, 21 thousand “Florentine” signatures for the 4 referendums on work – Cgil Firenze

Cgil, 70 thousand signatures in Tuscany for the 4 referendums on work
From next week the collection for questions on autonomy


The Cgil has so far collected 70,000 signatures in Tuscany, 21,000 of which in Florence alone, for the four referendums on work. The union has organized a ‘Firma day’ throughout the region today, with stalls to collect additional signatures in support of the referendum questions.
“Starting next week,” said Bernardo Marasco, general secretary of the Florence Chamber of Labor, “we will be out collecting signatures for the fifth referendum, the one for differentiated autonomy, for which we are also building the territorial committees.” Among the requests proposed by the Cgil there is also that of safe work, an issue highlighted by the recurring episodes of fatal accidents, the last of which yesterday in Pietrasanta: “Safety exists where there is a quality production system, with quality work, based on rights,” Marasco claims, according to whom today “we have a production model that does not invest in work, but rather dequalifies it through procurement systems, leaving the worker alone with all the contradictions of a system that does not invest in rights. We must reverse this trend.” The secretary of the Chamber of Labor participated in the stall in Piazza Santa Croce in Florence. “The goal of signatures has been reached, but it is important to surpass it with momentum, it seemed interesting to try to speak to the city in one of its most symbolic places”, explained Alessio Atrei (Fisac-Cgil Florence). (ANSA).

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