On the water emergency in Basilicata, the Democratic Party has a short memory

On the water emergency in Basilicata, the Democratic Party has a short memory
On the water emergency in Basilicata, the Democratic Party has a short memory

June 28, 2024 | 15:25


The regional secretary of the Democratic Party, Giovanni Lettieri

Vincenzo Telesca and Giovanni Lettieri should ask De Filippo, Margiotta, Bubbico, Pittella and all the old and new crowd to account for this.

Around the serious water emergency in Basilicata, many begin to play with water. This is the case of some members of the Democratic Party who must have some problems with their memory.

“The water emergency that is currently affecting the whole of Basilicata must be addressed immediately. We need an extraordinary plan to be drawn up in collaboration with Acquedotto Lucano that will help citizens, municipalities and agricultural businesses to deal with emergencies. We must verify as soon as possible the status of the Aql industrial plan regarding investments to reduce energy costs and to renew water infrastructures…” This is what the Secretary of the Basilicata Democratic Party states in a note, Giovanni Lettieri.

“Speaking of concrete facts, in these hours we are witnessing in the capital and not only, an unprecedented water crisis. On this I have my hands tied, the management of the Municipality is still entrusted to Mario Guarente awaiting the official proclamation. But in the meantime I have already started a study to understand not the cause of the symptom, but the origin of the problem. The new electric pumps to distribute water to the homes of the Lucanians were purchased in 2022. What is the situation today? Have they been installed? And if they have been installed, have they been tested? And was the possible testing followed by adequate maintenance? Only by answering these questions will it be possible to understand the origin of the criticality, net of more or less empty or full reservoirs.” This, however, is the newly elected mayor of Potenza, Vincenzo Telesca.

Putting these two interventions together, people with a minimum of intellectual honesty (which is rare in politics) would jump on their seats. Acquedotto Lucano SpA is an idea of ​​the Democratic Party of D’Alema, Folino and Bubbico. Since its establishment and until 2019 it has been governed, administered and managed by men appointed and liked by the Democratic Party. The resources, hundreds of millions of euros destined for Aql and beyond – we remember Acqua spa, Egrib, Reclamation Consortia – were managed and distributed by old and new friends of Telesca and Lettieri. Today, the Lucanian water network and the connected infrastructures are a disaster. Meanwhile, Telesca’s hands are tied – poor thing – and he has to find the causes in the new electric pumps and so on. Lettieri wants an extraordinary plan. They skirt around the issue not because they are bad but because they pretend not to understand. But do you really believe that Lucanians are all idiots? Yes, reading and listening to them, you believe it, or rather you are convinced of it. In any case, Telesca and Lettieri should hold De Filippo, Margiotta, Bubbico, Pittella and all the old company to account. And then give us feedback.

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