A 43-year-old from Andria was arrested for family abuse and aggravated injuries

A 43-year-old from Andria was arrested for family abuse and aggravated injuries
A 43-year-old from Andria was arrested for family abuse and aggravated injuries

ANDRIA – A 43-year-old man from Andria was arrested by the police on charges of domestic abuse and aggravated assault against his mother. The victim, a woman of about 60 years old, found the courage to report her son after yet another assault, calling 113 to ask for help.

The intervention of the Police

The officers intervened promptly, reaching the home of the two and securing the woman. The victim said that her son, who suffers from psychiatric disorders, frequently attacked her for no apparent reason. Threats, violence and insults had become daily routine since last year, generating a state of psychological tension and constant fear.

An oppressive lifestyle

According to what the officers reported, the woman was subjected to a “vexatious and violent lifestyle, with repeated physical and verbal attacks”. The description provided by the victim highlighted the seriousness of the situation, which made the intervention of the police necessary.

The 43 year old in prison

After his arrest, the 43-year-old was taken to the prison in Trani. The authorities are continuing their investigations to clarify all aspects of the case and guarantee the safety of the victim, who can now count on the protection of the police.

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