The “Northernmost Point of the Mediterranean” Trade District supports businesses

The “Northernmost Point of the Mediterranean” Trade District supports businesses
The “Northernmost Point of the Mediterranean” Trade District supports businesses

The Municipality of Monfalcone, as leader of the project, will open the tender on Monday 1 July which will allow companies based in one of the nine municipalities belonging to the District to request contributions aimed at the purchase and activation of technological systems and systems necessary for the digitalisation of production processes.

On the plate there are 155,062.02 euros, which can be distributed among the companies that fall within the territorial scope of the municipalities of Monfalcone, Aquileia, Duino Aurisina, Grado, Muggia, Ronchi dei Legionari, San Canzian d’Isonzo, San Pier d’ Isonzo, Staranzano, who will thus have the opportunity to receive funds for the purchase and activation of technological systems and systems necessary for the digitalisation of production processes; for technological development related to the customization of the products supplied and the services provided; to implement digitalisation and Information Technology (IT) systems; for sustainable development.

“The “Northernmost Point of the Mediterranean” Commercial District is now a beautiful reality, of which we are proud,” noted the mayor of Monfalcone, Anna Maria Cisint.

A project that actively involves businesses, which for us represent a fundamental piece for the development of the territory, and offers them the opportunity to receive support to digitize, therefore modernize and facilitate, their work.

Our Trade District boasts truly important numbers, embracing the four provinces of the region, 9 municipalities with heterogeneous characteristics and peculiarities, 9 trade associations and containing within it over 90,000 citizens and 5,147 businesses – of which 1,752 in Monfalcone – with multiple objectives that highlight the desire to promote the economic and tourist development of our cities through a network that we have created together, to underline the sense of belonging to our territory and the value of cooperation. This new call dedicated to businesses represents a further tool to support economic activities on their path towards digitalisation”.

The announcement follows a similar act published in April, through which funds amounting to 69,937.38 euros have already been allocated to 38 companies. The overall project, which therefore includes both calls, provides for the possibility of disbursing 225,000 euros against investments of 450,000 euros.

“A project that has already registered positive responses especially from the 22 Monfalcone companies, out of a total of 38, that have chosen to seize this great opportunity, demonstrating once again the receptivity of Monfalcone’s productive activities in relation to the opportunities that are presented to them – added the Councilor for Trade, Luca Fasan.

An opportunity that we wanted to propose again to exhaust the available funds, which can be accessed again also by companies that were already awarded the contribution in the first call – obviously giving priority to companies that did not participate – with the aim of having companies in our territory that are increasingly in step with the modern market”.

To receive contributions, purchases of machinery, equipment and devices suitable for technological development related to the customization of the products supplied and the services provided may be eligible; vehicles for commercial use; tools for the creation, purchase or acquisition via multi-year license of software, IT platforms, smartphone applications, websites.

The maximum expenditure that can be paid for interventions deemed eligible is equal to 50% of the expenditure incurred, including VAT, and up to a maximum amount of €2,250.00 including VAT.

The application can be submitted from 1 July to 31 July 2024 to the Municipality of Monfalcone, exclusively by certified email, to the address: This email address is protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The ranking will be drawn up within 60 days from the deadline for submitting applications.

It will be possible to request further information and clarifications by sending an email to the SUAP and Commerce Service of the Municipality of Monfalcone at the address: This email address is protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by calling the numbers 0481.494570 – 571.

To consult the announcement, simply access the website of the Municipality of Monfalcone from the following link:

Second tender for the granting of contributions to companies aimed at purchasing and activating technological systems and systems necessary for the digitalisation of production processes. – Municipality of Monfalcone

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