Regions Trophy: Lazio and Lombardy win

Regions Trophy: Lazio and Lombardy win
Regions Trophy: Lazio and Lombardy win

CORIGLIANO-ROSSANO (CALABRIA)-It ended today, Friday 28 June Corigliano-Rossano (CS), the Aequilibrium Cup-Trofeo delle Regioni 2024. The rich and historic event which since 1982 has represented one of the most important events in Italian youth volleyball, an event, among other things, the culmination of the sporting activity carried out at a territorial and regional level, it once again gave a great spectacle to all those present who had the opportunity to watch the matches in Calabria and to those who followed the event on the YouTube channel of the Italian Volleyball Federation.

The Palazzetto Dello Sport “Brillia” in Corigliano-Rossano this morning therefore decreed the two winning teams: Lazio triumphed in the women’s tournament, while Lombardy won the men’s tournament. The two regional representatives effectively confirmed the successes obtained in the previous edition of the TDR held in Campobasso.

Week here in Corigliano-Rossano which also saw the presence of president Giuseppe Manfredi; in addition to the federal number one, among others, also present were the vice president of FIPAV Adriano Bilato and the federal councilors Silvia Strigazzi, Felice Vecchione and Gianfranco Salmaso.

Also attending the matches were the Azzurri coaches Vincenzo Fanizza and Luca Leoni, coaches respectively of the Under 22 and Under 17 men’s national teams; together with them also Pasquale D’Aniello and Oscar Maghella, first and second coach of the women’s Under 17 national team.

The Men’s Tournament-

Lombardy triumphs in Calabria. The regional team of Lombardy has been the protagonist of an excellent path spiced with six victories obtained between the first and second phase; yesterday the success in the semifinal against Lazio, defeated 2-1 (22-25, 15-11) has effectively opened the doors for this morning’s final, won with full merit 2-0 (25-17, 25-20) against the regional selection of Emilia Romagna. For Lombardy this is the sixth title after the successes obtained in the editions of 2000, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2018.

After an apparent balance that characterized the beginning of the first set (4-4) it was Lombardy that took the reins of the game; the Lombardy team made their first break at 4-7, forcing coach Giovanni Preti to call the first time-out for Emilia-Romagna. Time passed but the situation did not change; the pace of Lombardy’s play continued to seriously challenge the Emilia-Romagna team and the score went from 8-12 to 9-14 in favor of Lombardy. Second time out for Emilia-Romagna. The Lombardy team in great form continued to worry their rivals and, strong in the advantage they had acquired (13-17), the athletes trained by coach Daniele Morato managed to close the set at +8 on 17-25. Emilia Romagna 0, Lombardy 1.

Start of the second half of the game with yellow and blue colours. Unlike the first set, in the second Emilia Romagna started off on the right foot, finding an excellent 4-0 start. However, a new game has begun for Lombardy; Daniele Morato’s boys in fact regrouped, seeking and finding an important pace of play which allowed them to first regain parity at 11-11, and overtake at 11-12. Time out called by coach Preti. Upon returning to the field the situation did not change and the Lombard regional representative continued to extend their lead, finding the +4 at 13-17. Second Emilia-Romagna time out; lead which then moved to 16-20. On the wings of enthusiasm, Lombardy captain Riccardo Santomassimo charged for the final extension: Francesco Destro’s attack closed the match at 20-25. Lombardy is champion of Italy.

The words of the Lombardy coach Daniele Morato-

« We are very happy. We managed to confirm last year’s result with a different group so for us all this represents a double satisfaction. It’s a beautiful feeling. We played a very solid match, with few errors, just a few at the beginning because perhaps there was a bit of tension. Over the course of the tournament we were able to suffer, even mature a little, actually learning to react to mistakes which are human and above all belong to this category. I’m very proud of my boys. A success that represents a small step forward also on a character level. Today’s match was difficult. Nothing is easy, especially in the final of an event of this kind. We managed the match well; in the first set, serving was decisive because we kept our opponents away from the net. In the second set, after some errors, we then recovered, bringing the game back on track. We are friends with Giovanni Preti and before the match we said to each other that the best team would win, today it went well for us ».


Best Central: Riccardo Della Ventura (Veneto)

Best Attacker: Federico Argano (Calabria)

Best free: Lorenzo Antonio Basso (Emilia Romagna)

Best Setter: Pietro Valgiovi (Lombardy)

MVP: Francis Right (Lombardy)


1. Lombardy; 2. Emilia Romagna; 3. Lazio; 4. Veneto; 5. Calabria; 6. Sicily; 7. Abruzzo; 8. Puglia; 9. Tuscany; 10. Campania; 11. Piedmont; 12. Marche; 13. Trentino; 14. Liguria; 15. South Tyrol; 16. Friuli Venezia Giulia; 17. Umbria; 18. Basilicata; 19. Valle d’Aosta; 20. Sardinia; 21. Molise.

The Women’s Tournament-

Lazio dominated the women’s tournament. A super journey in Corigliano-Rossano for the Lazio regional team, which, step by step, became the protagonist of important and overwhelming victories. Eight matches won and only one set lost, this is the incredible climb to victory put in place by the reigning Lazio champions. Yesterday’s success in the semifinal against Veneto, defeated 2-1 (25-9, 24-26, 15-9), therefore allowed coach Proietti’s athletes to access today’s final. The icing on the cake came with the clear victory against Lombardia, defeated in two sets 25-19, 25-17. For Lazio, this is the third trophy after those won in the 2018 and 2023 editions.

At the beginning of the first set, the Lazio regional selection started off on the right foot; a tricky service turn by Michelle Bruno stopped the result at 5-1. Reigning champions in great form; a second play by the setter Luna Ippopotami subsequently stopped the result at +5 at 10-5, forcing the coach of the Lombard team Matteo Prezioso to stop the game by calling a time-out. Pause that had the desired effect; the Lombard selection in fact changed the inertia of the set, finding good shots and thanks to some missed passes from Lazio, they brought themselves back to -1 at 16-15. Time out of the Roman coach Daniela Proietti. Shock that came for the Lazio representative who regained the advantage going from 18-15 to 21-17. Two aces at the end of the set from central Sofia Olivi favored the 25-19 at the end of the set for Lazio. Lazio 1, Lombardy 0.

Second half of the game which started in the same vein as the first set. In fact, Lazio immediately took the lead, going from 2-0, to 5-1 and up to 7-2. Time out Lombardy. The match continued, as did the excellent form of the Lazio team who continued to grind out the game; spiker Michela Ritucci set the result at 13-6. Lazio, in absolute control of the match, continued to dominate the set, reaching +10 at 19-9. Lombardy attempted to get back into contact, closing the gap to 21-16, but the Lazio team proved to be a difficult battleship to overcome; at the end, coach Proietti’s athletes managed the advantage they acquired well, the setter Luna Ippopotami closed the match at 25-17. Lazio 2, Lombardy 0. Lazio confirmed themselves as Italian champions.

The words of the Lazio coach Daniela Proietti –

« It’s an indescribable joy. A unique emotion. The girls were perfect in every way. It is the success of the group. Every athlete and every staff member put their best foot forward and the result showed. I would like once again to thank our Simonetta Avalle who, even if she is not present here in Corigliano-Rossano, has shown us the right way to achieve this great success. For me today represents an incredible victory, in my first experience I got first place on the podium, I couldn’t ask for more. We confirmed last year’s success, it’s true but it wasn’t easy even if every coach’s goal is to bring the prior team to victory. The girls? Amazing, they were the real protagonists, we like to make them be such and together with the help of the staff we succeeded. I’m really proud of them ».


Best Central: Zoe Airheinbuwa (Veneto)

Best Attacker: Anita Tessariol (Lombardy)

Best free: Giulia Evangelista (Lazio)

Best Setter: Erika Jakic (Emilia Romagna)

MVP: Andela Grkovic (Lazio)


1. Lazio; 2. Lombardy; 3. Emilia Romagna; 4. Veneto; 5. Tuscany; 6. Friuli Venezia Giulia; 7. Marche; 8. Campania; 9. Piedmont; 10. Calabria; 11. Abruzzo; 12. Sardinia; 13. Umbria; 14. Liguria; 15. Trentino; 16. Sicily; 17. Puglia; 18. Basilicata; 19. South Tyrol; 20. Valle d’Aosta; 21. Molise.


1982: Emilia Romagna
1983: Abruzzo and Molise
1984: Emilia Romagna
1985: Piedmont and Aosta Valley
1986: not played
1987: Marche
1988: Marche
1989: Emilia Romagna
1990: Marche
1991: Campania
1992: Emilia Romagna
1993: not played
1994: Marche
1995: Marche
1996: Marche
1997: Marche
1998: Veneto
1999: Campania
2000: Lombardy
2001: Veneto
2002: Marche
2003: Marche
2004: Veneto
2005: Veneto
2006: Piedmont
2007: Emilia-Romagna
2008: Lazio
2009: Campania
2010: Piedmont
2011: Veneto
2012: Trentino
2013: Lombardy
2014: Lombardy
2015: Lombardy
2016: Puglia
2017: Veneto
2018: Lombardy
2019: Puglia
2020: not played
2021: not played
2022: Veneto
2023: Lombardy
2024: Lombardy


1987: Tuscany
1988: not played
1989: Abruzzo
1990: Tuscany
1991: Tuscany
1992: Marche
1993: not played
1994: Tuscany
1995: Piedmont
1996: Piedmont
1997: Emilia-Romagna
1998: Lombardy
1999: Lombardy
2000: Lombardy
2001: Campania
2002: Veneto
2003: Sicily
2004: Lombardy
2005: Lombardy
2006: Emilia Romagna
2007: Piedmont
2008: Lombardy
2009: Lombardy
2010: Emilia-Romagna
2011: Piedmont
2012: Lombardy
2013: Lombardy
2014: Piedmont
2015: Lombardy
2016: Veneto
2017: Lombardy
2018: Lazio
2019: Veneto
2020: not played
2021: not played
2022: Lombardy
2023: Lazio
2024: Lazio

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