Scandiano: Carabinieri crack down on massive drug dealing

Scandiano: Carabinieri crack down on massive drug dealing
Scandiano: Carabinieri crack down on massive drug dealing

SCANDIANO – He was arrested on 6 May 2022 by the Scandiano carabinieri who, at the end of a targeted activity, found him in possession of over 1 kilo of hashish and approximately 2 hectograms of cocaine respectively divided into blocks and heat-sealed wrappers ready for sale, as well as cutting and packaging material.

A drug dealing activity that never stopped

An arrest that did not put an end to the investigations of the Scandiano Carabinieri who ascertained not only that the alleged drug dealing activity continued even after the arrest but that it even dated back to at least 2017.

Over 4500 sales

In the course of the investigations, in fact, the Scandiano Carabinieri documented over 4,500 sales for a total of 5 kilos of cocaine to a dozen customers living in the ceramic district with a turnover of approximately 400,000 euros.

51-year-old arrested

The Reggio prosecutor’s office, directed by the prosecutor Calogero Gaetano Paci, agreeing with the investigative findings of the Scandiano carabinieri, therefore requested and obtained from the GIP of the local Court a precautionary custody order in prison against the alleged person responsible for the illicit buying and selling activity of drugs, identified as a 51-year-old resident of Scandiano.

The restrictive measure was then sent for execution to the Carabinieri of Scandiano who carried it out on the morning of June 27th, arresting the man.

Search of the house

In the executive phase, the Carabinieri also ascertained that the alleged drug dealing activity was still active in light of the findings that emerged during the search following the arrest of the man in execution of the precautionary restrictive measure carried out by the Carabinieri of Scandiano with the assistance of a canine unit of the Local Police of the Appennino Reggiano Union.

Cocaine and a scale

Inside the house, in fact, during the search, the carabinieri found 13 white plastic packages wrapped in aluminum foil, later confirmed to contain a narcotic substance of the cocaine type with a total weight of approximately 15 grams, seized together with 1 precision scale, in perfect working order, with traces of white powder on them, later confirmed to be cocaine.

In flagrante delicto

In addition to the execution of the precautionary measure in prison, the man was then arrested in the act of the crime of possession for the purpose of dealing drugs. At the end of the activities, the man was taken to the barracks and after the restricted ritual formalities in the prison of Reggio Emilia.

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