Lawyer Simona Blago dies, she was a candidate with Poli

Lawyer Simona Blago dies, she was a candidate with Poli
Lawyer Simona Blago dies, she was a candidate with Poli

LECCE – Tragedy in Lecce, on the ring road, where last night just before midnight the 53-year-old lawyer Simona Blago, recently candidate on the Io Sud list for mayor Adriana Poli Bortone, lost control of the car she was driving and died. The woman was alone in the car, a Citroen C3, and the 118 was only able to confirm her death. The state police and the traffic police were also on site.

«A person who was always grateful to life, even if life had not been particularly sweet to her. A sunny and generous woman, Simona never knew how to ask, but she knew how to give. Always and a lot. Simona is this for me. She leaves me with an important lesson, despite the fact that she was much younger than me, on the ability to be grateful to life every day, despite everything and everyone – this is Adriana Poli Bortone’s comment in a note – I would have liked to celebrate with her a victory that she desired so much and for which she committed herself, always spending herself. I don’t know if we will want to celebrate anymore, she would certainly tell us to do it for her too because every moment must be celebrated and shared and nothing can cloud the joy of living. Well Simona, today we don’t have all this desire to be sunny. Don’t be angry with us, but today we really can’t chase away the clouds, despite the strong north wind.”

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