new weather alert from Civil Protection in Veneto – Nordest24

new weather alert from Civil Protection in Veneto – Nordest24
new weather alert from Civil Protection in Veneto – Nordest24

A moderately disturbed incursion from the northwest is expected for the evening of Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3, marking a change in the weather in the Veneto region. This disturbance, bringing instability, will mainly affect the central-northern areas, promising an increase in precipitation, even in the form of showers or thunderstorms.

Precipitation Coming: What to Expect?

Forecasts indicate that weather conditions will undergo a marked transformation between Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, with phenomena that could intensify especially in the evening and night hours. The most affected areas will be the Prealps and the central-northern plain, where showers could take on characteristics of strong intensity.

Beware of locally intense phenomena

In particular, on Prealps and the plains, locally intense phenomena are expected. Heavy showers, sometimes even repeated or stationary, could lead to significant accumulations of rain. These intense precipitations are expected mainly on the central-northern plains and pre-Alpine areas, where the situation could evolve rapidly.

Civil Protection advice for residents of affected areas

Given the potential intensity of the phenomena, it is advisable to follow weather updates and take adequate precautions to deal with possible inconveniences caused by precipitation. Maintaining high attention during travel and checking for any warnings from local authorities can make the difference in these situations of climatic instability.

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