New Monini Spoleto Volleyball, greetings also from coach Luca Arcangeli Conti

New Monini Spoleto Volleyball, greetings also from coach Luca Arcangeli Conti
New Monini Spoleto Volleyball, greetings also from coach Luca Arcangeli Conti

SPOLETO (by Giacomo Restani) – The list of farewells in the technical area of ​​Nuova Pallavolo Monini Spoleto continues without brakes. This time it’s the turn of the Spoleto team to say goodbye Luca Arcangeli Countsassistant to Coach Francesco Tardioli in Serie C and historical point of reference for the youth sector of the company and, in the past, assistant to coach Riccardo Provvedi during the period of militancy of the first team in B1 and A2. Below we report the official press release of the company.

“Knowing that this is not a goodbye, but a see you later, we want to wish Coach Luca Arcangeli Conti the best of luck for the rest of his career.
The technical quality and the unique relationship he manages to create with the athletes make Coach Arcangeli Conti one of the best coaches produced by Spoleto volleyball”.

Arcangeli Conti is just one of the names that in these first weeks of summer have divided their path from that of the Spoleto company. During the end-of-year dinner, the main sponsor Zefferino Monini reiterated his trust in Nicolò Lattanzi and in the technical project, but in light of the latest news it is legitimate to ask a few questions. What future awaits the young Spoleto volleyball players?

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