Gennaro Mucciolo, Vice President of the Regional Council in Campania, Dies at 81

Political historian of the Italian Socialist Party, Gennaro Mucciolo died at 81. The announcement by his son. The condolences of the party and politics.

Gennaro Mucciolo81 years old, and historical exponent of the Italian Socialist Party, died today, Sunday 30 June. His son Pasquale made the announcement on his social channels. The funeral will be held tomorrow, Monday 1 July, at 5.30 pm at the Church of San Giovanni Battista in Castel San Lorenzo, in the province of Salerno, of which he was also mayor, as well as having been regional councilor of the Italian Socialist Party several times , as well as vice-president of the Regional Council of Campania from 2005 to 2010 during the presidency of Antonio Bassolino (Democratic Party), when Mucciolo obtained 7,300 preferences in the Salerno constituency.

“We are very saddened by the sad news of the passing of Gennaro Mucciolo, a great friend, a professional and an immense politician, for all of us an example of militancy and consistency with socialist values”: this is how the national secretary of the PSI, Enzo Maraioalso remembering the “many years of political sharing, in a long journey of extraordinary passion and synergy with my father and with all of us. There were also misunderstandings and distance, but, as happens between true companions, we found ourselves on common political objectives and on the same analysis of current political events. I am eternally grateful to him and for this we will not miss the right memory in our political initiatives which will place him forever in the pantheon of socialists”.

“We worked side by side during the period of his vice-presidency of the Regional Council of Campania”, he instead commented on the news Gennaro Olivieropresident of the regional council of Campania under the Democratic Party, “I will remember Gennaro Mucciolo as one of the last bastions of the party, a friend of numerous battles and of some of the most passionate electoral campaigns of my career. Mucciolo’s attachment to political life and the party can also be learned from his last message on social networks, last May, when he published a photo with the PSI symbol”.

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