Bari Weather, forecast for tomorrow Thursday 4 July

Bari Weather, forecast for tomorrow Thursday 4 July
Bari Weather, forecast for tomorrow Thursday 4 July

The Bari weather forecast for Thursday 4th July indicate generally stable conditions during the day. In the morning, the sky will be overcast with cloud cover of around 95%, while in the afternoon and evening the sky will be clear with cloud cover of less than 5%. Temperatures will remain around +26°C, with a slight variation during the day.

During the morning, the wind will blow with intensity between 21 and 24 km/h coming from the North – North West direction. In the afternoon, the wind speed will decrease slightly, but will remain lively with values ​​around 22 km/h always from the same direction. Even in the evening, the wind will be moderate with speeds around 15 km/h coming from the North – North West.

Precipitation will be absent throughout the day, with a probability of rain of 10-15%. Relative humidity will remain around 50-60%, while atmospheric pressure will be stable at around 1009-1012 hPa.

In conclusion, the Weather forecast for Thursday 4th July in Bari indicate a day without rain, with partly cloudy skies in the morning and clear skies in the afternoon and evening. Temperatures will remain pleasant, with moderate winds from the North – North West. It is still advisable to pay attention to any weather changes and consult weather updates before planning outdoor activities.

All the weather data for Thursday 4th July in Bari

Full Weather Forecast for Bari

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