Colonel Miranda takes over from Colonel Lombardi

Colonel Miranda takes over from Colonel Lombardi
Colonel Miranda takes over from Colonel Lombardi

BARI – Change of command ceremony of the AM Schools Command Headquarters/3rd Air Region, at the Bari Palese Military Airport. Colonel Salvatore Lombardi is the outgoing commander; Colonel Francesco Miranda is taking over.

The event, chaired by Brigadier General Romeo Paternò, Deputy Commander of the AM Schools Command/3rd Air Region of Bari, took place in the presence of numerous religious, civil and military authorities and all the staff of the Headquarters.

After the ritual thanks, Colonel Lombardi retraced the fundamental stages of his period of command, underlining how «these years have been a period of growth and enrichment for me, during which I had the opportunity to live significant experiences and facing challenges that helped shape my path. The emotions and sensations I felt were multiple: from satisfaction with the results achieved, to gratitude for having had the opportunity to lead such a prestigious organization.” Colonel Lombardi, addressing all the staff directly, declared: “you were the beating heart of the headquarters, and without you none of what we achieved would have been possible.”

Colonel Miranda, after thanking the superior authorities for the task entrusted to him, during his inaugural speech, emphasized that “it will be a difficult task that awaits me and that is why today, on my first day of command, I ask you to be with me, to help me, to build together, all of us, a team. I will never be able to operate alone, but within a team, the one that from today I want to start building together with you to achieve the objectives of this department. It will not be easy, it will not be immediate, you will have to know me and I you, but I am certain that together we will be able to build that clock of which I, with you, will be a part”.

Brigadier General Romeo Paternò thanked Colonel Lombardi for the valuable work carried out and, addressing all the staff, stated that: «he led you with passionate participation, continuous dedication and firm decision. He did it in an admirable way, with careful, vigilant and far-sighted command action, supported by the example of his behavior». Then, renewing his trust in Colonel Miranda and his hope for the best of luck in the new and delicate assignment, he concluded by renewing «applause for the excellent results achieved, the fruit of passion, commitment and great dedication».

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