Agriculture: Marsilio, Region alongside farmers on the issue of damage from wildlife

Agriculture: Marsilio, Region alongside farmers on the issue of damage from wildlife
Agriculture: Marsilio, Region alongside farmers on the issue of damage from wildlife

Imprudent, new plan for the management and containment of wild boars within two months

(REGFLASH) Pescara, 27 June. The president of the regional council, Marco Marsilio, and the vice-president and councilor for agriculture, Emanuele Imprudente, this morning in Pescara, at the regional headquarters, met the regional president of Coldiretti, Pietropaolo Martinelli, and the regional director of the organization agricultural, Roberto Rampazzo, on the sidelines of the Coldiretti demonstration which started from Piazza della Repubblica and ended in Piazza Unione. Above all, the issue of damage caused to farms by wild fauna and in particular by wild boars is at the center of the discussion.
“Wild boars represent the most pressing problem – declared Marsilio – because they have been reproducing uncontrollably for years now. This phenomenon, in addition to altering the faunal balance, on the one hand involves a systematic attack on agricultural land and on the other is proving to be extremely dangerous also for the physical safety of people because many car accidents occur while crossing roads. by wild boars and other wild animals. As a Region – he continued – we have adopted a specific Plan also on the basis of what was requested by the National Commissioner against swine fever. It is a plan – he explained – which in Abruzzo provides for 28 thousand cullings. A plan that involves all territorial hunting areas, hunting associations, as well as other competent authorities, provincial police and forestry carabinieri. We will ensure that it is put into practice in the best possible way and that the set objectives are respected.” The vice president of the regional council and councilor for agriculture Emanuele Imprudente, for his part, confirmed that “the Plan that Coldiretti asks from the Region already exists in substance. However, within a couple of months, we will approve a new one which will summarize all the actions that must be implemented and which we are already implementing while modifying, at the same time, those relating to the possibility of carrying out controlled culling and also the selection . It is clear that this is a national issue – continued Imprudente – wild fame is creating conditions of objective difficulty if not impossibility for our farmers and breeders to carry out their activities, especially in some territories and we do not believe this we can allow it, just as we cannot afford – he concluded – the problems linked to road safety and everything that derives from it”. The regional councilor, Nicola Campitelli, president of the III Agriculture and Economic Development Commission, was also present at the meeting with Coldiretti. and Productive Activities. (REGFLASH) DURA/240627

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