Benevento, stalks girl day and night: 75-year-old prohibited from approaching – NTR24.TV

Benevento, stalks girl day and night: 75-year-old prohibited from approaching – NTR24.TV
Benevento, stalks girl day and night: 75-year-old prohibited from approaching – NTR24.TV

Yesterday, following the investigative activity coordinated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Benevento, soldiers from the Benevento Carabinieri Company executed the order for the application of the precautionary measure, issued by the Judge for preliminary investigations of Benevento, of the prohibition of approaching the injured party and the places frequented by the same, with an electronic bracelet, against a 75-year-old from Benevento.

In particular, the investigation activity arose from the complaint filed by the injured party, a very young woman, who reported with concern that she had been followed for some time by an unknown man: the man, on board a small-engined car, had followed her on several occasions and even at night, both when she left her home and on her way to work or to friends’ houses and she was convinced that it was precisely that stranger who had also punctured her tire.

The subsequent investigations conducted by the Carabinieri of the NOR of Benevento corroborated the circumstantial evidence, confirming the accusations made by the girl: the man who was following her was indeed a stranger, whose identity was ascertained starting from checks on the license plate of the car used for the stalking, which turned out to be owned by a friend of the suspect who, after being interviewed by summary witnesses, confirmed that she had lent it to him on several occasions (a fact also confirmed by the analysis of police checks in the area). The hearing of summary witnesses from the girl’s family and friends followed; finally, the girl, subjected to photographic identification, recognized without a shadow of a doubt the person she indicated as the molester.

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