“Riconnessi”, the project of the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority to help young people who do not study or work

“Riconnessi”, the project of the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority to help young people who do not study or work
“Riconnessi”, the project of the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority to help young people who do not study or work

Training activities, job placement, civil service and self-help groups to support young people who live in a condition of social isolation and their families. These are the main actions on which the “Riconnessi” project has focused for the support of social fragilities in the Valdarno District Area of ​​the South East Tuscany ASL, financed by the Tuscany Region and the Conference of Mayors of Valdarno and aimed at that group of young people defined as Neet (not in employment or in education or training), that is, not engaged in study and work activities.

The project, lasting 12 months, saw the involvement of the teams of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Functional Units, the Adult Mental Health Functional Units and the Serd of the District and of all the Municipalities of the Valdarno area, with the aim of developing projects in which it is possible to include young people in charge of social and health services. Furthermore, a socio-health group was set up to take care of the young recipients of the project, in network with the services and the territory, to involve them in training or work activities.

The project ended with 85% of reintegration into school programs for minors, while for adults, 34% of the participants were brought into contact with services dedicated to training and work and 39% were included in social activities rehabilitation. Interviews with families also revealed a reduction in the emotional overload of family members and a perceived strengthening of the social support network.

“It was a very important path shared with the Municipalities and the territories – underlines Dr. Stefania Magi, director of the Valdarno District Area – which made it possible to support and accompany over 60 girls and boys on a path of reintegration into society thanks to raising awareness on theme of active citizenship and mutual help among young people, networking with schools for school reintegration and accompanying the person in the use of dedicated services such as the civil service”.

“I can only express satisfaction – the words of Valentina Vadi, president of the Zonal Conference of Mayors of Valdarno – for an important and extremely useful project aimed at young people in vulnerable conditions. The objectives achieved are significant and denote attention towards young people and girls who do not work or study and risk experiencing a condition of social isolation and sensitivity towards their families.
I thank the local health authority for its effective collaboration.”

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