“I understand. In his place I would have…”

Sfera Ebbasta, the boy “pushed” by the rapper during the concert a few days ago speaks: “I understand. In his place I would have…”

Sfera Ebbasta, the pushed boy breaks the silence – ANSA – blueshouse.it

Sphere Ebbasta he is, without a doubt, one of the most beloved singers of the new generation. He has been established as a rapper for a few years now, and those who love the genre consider him practically one of the best. Many famous songs that we know are his, very often he found himself dominating the Italian hit charts. In short, very often he found himself proud of himself and of what he was able to achieve, unfortunately he cannot say the same these days after what happened. Despite being a much-loved singer, Sfera found himself really close to losing everything, considering that a real controversy exploded on social media for something that happened a few days ago. In fact, during a concert, a boy went up on stage and tried to get close to him, but the singer pushed him away in a bad way, also risking getting seriously hurt. The video went around the web.

Sfera Ebbasta pushes a boy on stage: he breaks the silence

Sfera Ebbasta, the pushed boy breaks the silence – blueshouse.it

The video that went viral on social media really threatened to compromise the singer’s reputation, which is why the same guy who was pushed decided to go up to him. Surprisingly, the fan decided to defend him.I see that many people are going against Sfera, It may be partly right for the way he treated me, but what I did was wrong: I understand the gesture” he declared in a video he posted on his profile TikTok. “In any case I don’t blame Sfera because I probably would have done the same thing in his place, and he will still be my idol. Sfera if you watch this video, know that I didn’t want to make you look like the bad guy, I didn’t want to turn all the people against you and you will always be my idol” he concluded. Many people complimented the boy, saying that his attitude was even more mature than that of the singer who, after what happened, remained silent for a few days. Then, in the end, he decided to speak.

Sfera Ebbasta apologizes: but it’s not enough for the web

After what happened, Sfera decided to break the silence after a few days, declaring that he is sorry for what happened and asked to be put in contact with the boy, to be able to speak with him and give him accreditation for one of his concerts. In any case, although the singer’s apology has arrived, for many people on the web it is not enough, considering that it did not seem entirely sincere. In fact, many have declared that he may have been forced by his team to apologize so as not to risk completely compromising his image. In short, things that we can never really know, so believing them or not, remains a choice of each individual.

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