Sushi Sickness: It’s in the summer that you risk it most | What to avoid to not get sick

Sushi sickness (Corporate+ photo) –

If you don’t know what sushi sickness is, you’re lucky. But to avoid the risk, especially in the summer heat, you have to follow some rules.

Summer is a very busy time delicate for most foods. Bread dries out first, becoming hard very quickly, and most foods, if not stored in the refrigerator, perish even during the day.

Have you ever tried leaving milk on the countertop? The next day it will be “ricotta”. In short, food does not get along with heat. Especially that of animal origin.

Meat and fish, if not properly preserved in summer, immediately begin to stink and change appearance. And if we were to eat them without realizing that they have gone bad – they do not always stink – it would be very dangerous.

Never heard of mall in sushi? If the answer is no, good for you. But to continue to feel good and not run risks, it is better to be careful.

Sushi Sickness: What is it?

As reported, Constance Pierozzihead of the Reference Centre for food poisoning in the Tuscany Region, reports that in his region alone from 2002 to 2016 the mall in sushi It has affected 321 people. 41% of them in the last 4 years alone, and the place of poisoning is also very balanced: 41% at home, 59% in public places such as restaurants, bars, delicatessens and canteens.

The fact is worrying, he underlines, because many people do not seek medical care, so these data are only those regarding known cases. And we are talking about Tuscany alone. But what is the mall in sushiHow does it manifest itself, and above all, how can we avoid it?

Consume the tuna immediately – (Corporate+ photo) –

What it is and how you can avoid it

Il mall in sushi It’s another name for scombroid syndrome that explains Stephen Cantinidirector of the public health, veterinary and food safety area of ​​the Azienda Usl Toscana Centro, always on the aforementioned portal: “it is a foodborne disease caused by the consumption of fish products contaminated by bacteria in the absence of organoleptic alterations. The bacteria responsible are not pathogenic in themselves but are able to transform an amino acid (histidine), present in abundance in some species of fish (tuna, mackerel, anchovies are the most common) into histamine which, if present in large quantities, is responsible for the pathology”. In short no alteration of foodyou don’t notice.

Among the symptoms, which appear a few minutes to a few hours after consuming the food, there are erythema, diarrhea and vomiting and also headache and tremors. How to avoid it? Maintaining the cold chain of foods, consume canned products (such as tuna) on the same day or at least store them in the fridge, well covered, at 4 degrees. A few small precautions to avoid putting your health at risk. mall in sushi And more common than you think.

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