«Umbrian economy: too many negative trends, but Tesei spreads roses and flowers»

«Umbrian economy: too many negative trends, but Tesei spreads roses and flowers»
«Umbrian economy: too many negative trends, but Tesei spreads roses and flowers»

On June 21, Banca d’Italia presented its Annual Report on the Economy of Umbria. This is always a very useful event for taking stock of the trends in the region’s main economic variables, by an authoritative and objective observer such as Banca d’Italia, outside of the sterile exchange between those in government who present an unrealistic picture of good fortune and those in opposition who instead paint a bleak and desolate situation. Having been released on the eve of the second round of elections in the capital and third largest city in the region, the Report was perhaps a little “covered”, in media terms, by the resonance of the election results, particularly that of Perugia. But reasoning about the trend of the regional economy and the renewals of the municipal councils, to which the regional council will be added in a few months, is an exercise that presents more points of contact than one might imagine. CONTINUE READING

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