Wednesday Mattarella in Trieste, counter-demonstration «For an Italy that repudiates war»

“On Wednesday 3 July from 4.30pm to 7.30pm the demonstration «For an Italy that truly repudiates war and promotes Peace» will be held in Trieste in Piazza Goldoni.
Initially the event was supposed to be held in Piazza della Borsa, but the Police Headquarters, due to numerous concomitances, ordered the change of venue with very little notice.
The demonstration is promoted by the Coordination no green pass and beyond Trieste and sees the participation of Alister, the Coordination for Palestine of Trieste, the Friuli Venezia Giulia Peace Table, Insieme Liberi and the Trieste Spring Front.
The event is proposed on the same day in which President Mattarella participates in the inauguration of the Catholic social week in Trieste. It aims to point out that the Italian government and the Presidency of the Republic are doing little to enforce article 11 of the Italian Constitution, which proclaims that «Italy repudiates war as an instrument of offense against other peoples and as a means of resolving of international disputes…”; a lot in particular for the role that
Italy has taken over the current theaters of war in Ukraine and Palestine.”
To report it Insieme Liberi

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