La Gazzetta dello sport: Pisa at work for Viola and Lapaduloa

La Gazzetta dello sport: Pisa at work for Viola and Lapaduloa
La Gazzetta dello sport: Pisa at work for Viola and Lapaduloa

The Sports Gazette dedicates a low cut to Pisa in its page on Serie B. There is also talk of Filippo Inzaghi, this should be the week of the official announcement, as well as of the two market objectives.

“Starting from today every day can be good for the official status of Pippo Inzaghi- writes the Gazzetta.- The agreement does not seem to be in doubt – only some bonuses are missing – and the announcement is expected even before the arrival of the coach, scheduled for July 8th and 9th. There is already the synergy with Inzaghi, in any case, behind the first important negotiations started by the new ds Vaira with Nicolas Viola and Gianluca Lapadula”.

Pisa will try with both. The polls have already started a few weeks ago as already revealed by the local press. Viola he did not renew with Cagliari e Lapadula he is under contract until 2026 with the Sardinians. However, he too is on his way out and is attractive to many Serie B clubs. Lapadula was eliminated with his Peru from the Copa America, which is taking place in the USA, after the 2-0 defeat against Argentina in the last match of the group stage. The attacker took over during the match.

In the meantime, the first incoming deal on the Nerazzurri market should be the arrival of midfielder Samuel Ballet from Como with the loan formula with right of redemption.

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