the case of the (deleted) videos on TikTok

An explosion of perfect scores, a statistical anomaly and suspicions of irregularities: the 2024 medical school admissions test has generated an unprecedented wave of controversy. This year, the formula chosen for the test saw 60 questions taken at random from a database of 3,500 “public” questions, and led to 633 perfect tests, compared to only one the previous year. This statistical “curiosity” has raised doubts and concerns, above all because the 90 points, the maximum score obtainable (each correct answer is worth one and a half points), were significantly concentrated at the University of Palermo and in two Neapolitan universities, the Vanvitelli and Federico II. On the contrary, at the University of Milan they obtained a third of the 90 compared to the candidates of Federico II.

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Persistent controversy and new doubts

Passing the test requires 61 points, a higher achievement than in past years. However, even in the past there has been no shortage of controversy. We anxiously await the verdict of the Council of State on 9 July on the judgment of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, which had deemed the criteria for the 2023 tests to be unscientific. On 10 April, the Council of State reopened the rankings for the few places not yet assigned, accepting Cisia’s clarifications, the inter-university committee that created the test response compensation mechanism. Meanwhile, Parliament is discussing a new selection method for 2025.

Discontent and suspicions

The release of the results of the first session of the 2024 Medicine Test has sparked discontent among students and families. A mother, interviewed by Il Corriere della Sera, expressed her astonishment: “But how is it possible that in Palermo and Naples there are 300 percent more top marks than in Parma or Milan?” The woman raised doubts about the concentration of excellent students in those universities and suggested that the controls to avoid the use of smartphones during the test were not uniform. “My daughter obtained 80.9 points, but in Novara, where she took the test, the surveillance was very strict.”

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The mystery of videos on TikTok

As if that wasn’t enough, some videos that appeared on TikTok, then disappeared, further fueled suspicions. Some candidates boasted of having taken the test with their cell phone. Even if there is no concrete evidence (since the videos have been deleted), many would have seen the videos. This concentration of high scores in some universities was defined by Alphatest experts as a “countertrend compared to recent years”. Choosing to select questions from a battery of just 3,500 quizzes affected how students prepared, shifting the emphasis from deep understanding to sheer memory. This change certainly contributed to the increase in perfect scores, but it also raised questions about the validity and fairness of the test itself.


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