Lake Como, the discovery that could change history

A new discovery, relating to Lake Como, which could change history, linked to Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.

Lake Como, the discovery that could change history (

Developed a new hypothesis on the panorama that can be seen behind the Mona Lisaone of the most famous paintings in the world, made by Leonardo da Vinci. According to recent observations, therefore, the landscape that can be seen behind the portrayed woman could be the one that goes from Lecco to Lake Como. Let’s discover together on which assumptions the new hypothesis is based.

New hypothesis on the panorama behind the Mona Lisa: new discovery connected to Lake Como

Over the years, the panorama that can be seen behind the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci created a series of debates, some of which were very heated: many, in fact, hypothesized that the landscape idealized by the famous Italian genius could, in fact, have real references and therefore portray a place in Italy.

Many, in fact, have hypothesized that the panorama could refer to various Italian locations, such as Romito di Laterina or Bobbio.

The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci (

Anyway, Ann Pizzorussogeologist and scholar of the Italian Renaissance, has formulated a new hypothesis regarding this great mystery surrounding one of the most famous and enigmatic paintings in the world: the one portrayed behind the Mona Lisa, therefore, would be a branch of Lake Como.

The hypothesis developed by Ann Pizzorusso

According to Pizzorusso, therefore, Leonardo da Vinci he would have painted a branch, precisely from Lecco, attributable to Lake Como. La Monnalisa, therefore, would have as its backdrop the mountain range and the lake itself up to the height of the bridge Azzone Visconti which serves as the most important monument in Lecco, which was built in the first thirty years of the 14th century.

Furthermore, this bridge had as its main objective that of connecting the cities to the Duchy of Milan up to the south-western Alps and the Lake Garlatea place visited by Leonardo himself.

Panorama of Lake Como
Panorama of Lake Como (

The Italian-American scholar, who lives between Italy and New York, therefore maintains that there are some strong ones similarities between those areas and the landscape painted inside Leonardo’s Mona Lisa: statements that the geologist and Renaissance expert provided in an interview with the English newspaper The Guardian.

On the other hand, as she herself states, only a geology expert can actually notice this type of similarity which she defines as “undeniable“.

Furthermore, the scholar also explained that there are also connections starting from rocks of Lecco which, in fact, are limestone and which the great Italian genius would have painted inside the painting using gray and white shades.

In 2015, however, the researcher Carla Glori had advanced his own hypotheses, stating that the country depicted in the background of the Mona Lisa was, in reality, Bobbio. In any case, there always remains an aura of mystery around this debated topic which, it seems, will never find a consensus among experts.

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