Waiting lists, interpellation to shed light on the “Abruzzo case”

Waiting lists, interpellation to shed light on the “Abruzzo case”
Waiting lists, interpellation to shed light on the “Abruzzo case”

It was signed by the opposition group leader in the Region, Luciano D’Amico. “There would also be anomalies in the archiving of requests for visits.”

“We will present a question to the President of the Abruzzo Region and to the Councilor with responsibility for Healthcare, in order to shed light on the real state of the waiting lists in the Abruzzo Local Health Authorities and on compliance with current regulations for booking visits and tests at the single booking centres (CUP)”.

To affirm it Luciano D’Amico is the opposition group leader in the regional council, which continues: “Currently, despite the announcements of the Councilor and the President, who more than once have spoken of millionaire investments to combat the phenomenon, Citizens are faced with very long waiting lists and an inefficient health system, which will be further put at risk by cuts and plans of return to fill the economic holes of the local health authorities”.

“In this context of uncertainty, furthermore, from the press debate between Deputy D’Alfonso and the directors of the four Abruzzo local health authorities, we learn with concern that there are anomalies in the archiving of requests for visits. Anomalies which would give rise to pre-lists which would not be included in the calculation of the data transmitted by the Region to the Ministry and which would therefore sweeten the real state of the waiting lists in Abruzzo. We believe that the topic should be addressed with an abundance of internal data and correspondence of the Regional Council and, without a doubt, I can already maintain that if the answers provided are not adequate to the clarity that the Abruzzo Region owes to its citizens, we will bring the case also brought to the attention of the Supervisory Commission of the Regional Council”, conclude.

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