Catanzaro raid, precautionary measures for 15 suspects – NAMES

The military of the Financial Police of Catanzarounder the coordination of the prosecutor’s officethey performed aorder which led to the application of precautionary measures against 15 people for various crimes including corruption, extortion, fraud and ideological forgery. Due entrepreneursa leader doctor-teacher university and thirteen public officials they were placed under house arrest or suspended from their duties.

The measure was taken for Joseph Lucio Cascini, Easter Dove, Cyrus Oliviero (subjected to house arrest) e Gennarina ArabiaAantonio nicola arena, Antonio Armentano, Victoria Celi, Peter Gangemi, Michelina Graziano, Vincenzo Militano, Pasquale Minchella, Pasquale Santaguida, Rita Carlotta Santoro e Adolfo Siciliani (suspended from the exercise of public offices and services).

The measures were taken following careful investigation carried out by the Economic and Financial Police/Public Spending Protection Group of the Guardia di Finanza of Catanzaroaimed at countering illicit forms of management of public resources in the health sector. Preliminary investigations have highlighted serious evidence of irregularities in 9 public procurement contracts of the overall value of over 33 million eurosbanned by entities such as the Calabria Region and the University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro.

They emerged illicit ties between public officials and representatives of companies supplying medical supplies, with oriented tender notices in favor of certain subjects in violation of competition. They have also been hypothesized crimes of corruption, forgery and fraud, related to competitions and incentives for public employees. The medical director of the former University Hospital Trust “Mater Domini” and of the University “Magna Graecia” was involved in a fraud case linked to the perception of exclusivity allowancedespite working in two private clinics. The use of fictitious companies to issue false invoices allowed the payment of sums in cash to the public official. At the same time, a urgent seizure of assets for a total value of approximately 530 thousand eurosThe criminal proceedings are still in the preliminary investigation phase, but the results of the first analyses highlight serious violations that require a further insight by the judiciary.

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