Cup Marche attacked by hackers, still no reservations at the pharmacy

Cup Marche attacked by hackers, still no reservations at the pharmacy
Cup Marche attacked by hackers, still no reservations at the pharmacy

“Everything should return to normal by July 10th. The reconnaissance operations of the entire system are being completed, including the approximately 400 pharmacies that provide the service.” Filippo Saltamartini, regional health councilor, explains in this way the fact that the Cup for booking tests and visits is currently not available in many pharmacies. “After the hacker attack last May, the restoration of the Cup is accompanied by improvements on the security front, and this also applies to the pharmacies, for which access reprofiling is underway, one to be assigned to the structure and another individual that can be used, for example, by an employee, therefore, is considerable”. We will therefore need to be patient – barring unforeseen circumstances – for another fifteen days. As is known, last May 18th the regional Cup (the single booking center for visits and diagnostic tests) went haywire, with all the consequences that are easy to imagine (it receives an average of nine thousand phone calls a day). After a couple of days it was ascertained that the origin of the anomaly was a hacker attack, so much so that GPi, the company that has contracted out the management of the service since 2019, presented a formal complaint to the judicial authority and they are investigations were underway by the postal police to try to understand the origin and the author – or authors – of this IT intrusion which accentuated the problem of waiting lists, delaying access to services even further. The service was therefore restored over the course of a few days. But the procedures implemented were very demanding and numerous, and this meant that the redefinition of access to the system by pharmacies temporarily prevented them from being able to provide the service. It is to be hoped that this part of the story will also be concluded as soon as possible: the choice to be able to book also from a pharmacy, in fact, is fundamentally linked to two objectives: reducing direct access to the hospital Cup and making it easier for the elderly.


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