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Integrated water service in Ercolano. Round table promoted by Gori

Integrated water service in Ercolano. Round table promoted by Gori
Integrated water service in Ercolano. Round table promoted by Gori

This was the objective of the Round Table, promoted by Gori, which took place this afternoon in Ercolano. The managers of the integrated water service operating in Southern Italy met again at Villa Campolieto, almost a year after the last meeting held on the occasion of the Servizi a Rete Tour.

At the center of the discussion: the PNRR as a development opportunity. Present were the managers ABC Napoli, Acquedotto Lucano, ASIS, Ausino, Consac, Gori, Gesesa, Sistemi Salerno and Sorical.

The discussion took place on the sidelines of a high-level training event dedicated to advanced and sustainable techniques for improving the performance of water systems, which saw many illustrious university professors from universities spread throughout the country among the speakers. Among the institutions that took turns during the work, also the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, the Campania Region and the Ente Idrico Campano, in order to trace a common direction in light of the new scenarios that have opened up thanks to the opportunities offered by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.

“Today we are addressing the topic of the integrated water service: a very topical element, which is linked to climate change, the containment of management costs and the emergencies that we are preparing to face. Occasions like this are fundamental because discussing innovation and modern technologies also means managing services efficiently and in the interests of citizens” declared the Vice President of the Campania Region, Fulvio Bonavitacola, who oversaw the opening of the proceedings.

“The objective of this day is to strengthen collaboration between managers operating in the area and seal the synergy with the academic world, which always provides us with timely and innovative ideas and solutions. If we are able to implement increasingly effective measures it is thanks to collaboration with universities, which support us in approaching the latest technologies. Among the opportunities to be put in place, a degree course dedicated precisely to the integrated water service and the creation of a Campania training center specialized in the sector” underlines the President of Gori, Sabino De Blasi.

“Gori, as an industrial manager of the water service, has managed to intercept almost all the opportunities offered by the PNRR, winning approximately 100 million euros for the redevelopment and digitalization of the water network, which are at an advanced stage and affect the entire territory served. We have also won significant funds to be allocated to purification, to strengthen the current sludge management systems with a view to the circular economy, through the creation of more innovative and efficient structures” said Gori CEO Vittorio Cuciniello.

“We have highlighted the great work carried out by the Ente Idrico Campano to intercept funding of extraordinary importance with the Pnrr, which includes 130 million for the digitalization, districting and redevelopment of water networks and 59 million to make wastewater purification more effective and, where possible, transform purification plants into green factories to allow the reuse of purified water for irrigation and industrial purposes. An intense and incessant activity to carry out an unprecedented environmental remediation work and give impetus to the development of our territories” concludes the President of the Ente Idrico Campano, Luca Mascolo.

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