Gangmastering in Puglia – Pugliapress

Gangmastering in Puglia – Pugliapress
Gangmastering in Puglia – Pugliapress

Gangmastering in Puglia: the shadow of exploitation in the fields of southern Italy

Gangmastering, a practice of labor exploitation rooted and unfortunately widespread in the Italian agricultural sector, represents a particularly evident social and economic plague in Puglia. This region, renowned for its high-quality agricultural production, is at the same time the scene of working conditions that recall the darker past of work in the fields.

Definition and dynamics of gangmastering

Caporalato is the illegal intermediation of labor, where the “caporali” recruit workers, often migrants, to employ them in extremely precarious working conditions and with wages below the contractual minimum. These intermediaries not only manage the hiring, but often also control the transportation and accommodation of the workers, creating a situation of total dependence.

Workers’ conditions

The working conditions in the Apulian fields are dramatic: exhausting shifts, poor wages and dilapidated housing. Workers, many of them illegal immigrants from Africa and Eastern Europe, are often forced to live in slums without essential services. This situation of extreme vulnerability makes them easy prey for gangmasters, who take advantage of their desperation to obtain labor at very low cost.

The economic and social consequences

Gangmastering not only exploits workers, but also distorts the labor market. Farms that use the services of gangmasters can reduce production costs, creating unfair competition against companies that comply with labor regulations. This mechanism fuels a vicious circle that penalizes the entire agricultural sector in Puglia.

Efforts to combat gangmastering

In recent years, the Italian government has adopted several legislative measures to combat gangmastering, including law 199 of 2016, which introduced new sanctions for employers involved in the exploitation of agricultural workers. However, the application of these rules has proven complex and often insufficient to combat such a deep-rooted phenomenon.

Teresa Bellanova’s Media Table

A significant initiative in the fight against gangmastering was promoted by Teresa Bellanova, former Minister of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies. Bellanova, with a past as a laborer and trade unionist, has always had a strong sensitivity towards the problems of agricultural work.

The media roundtable established by Bellanova represented an important forum for dialogue between institutions, trade associations, unions and civil society organizations. This roundtable aimed to develop shared strategies to eliminate gangmastering and improve working conditions in the agricultural sector.

Results and prospects

Thanks to the media table, several initiatives have been promoted to strengthen controls and improve transparency in the agricultural supply chain. Among these:

  • More resources for controls: The increase in resources available to law enforcement agencies and labor inspectorates to intensify checks in the fields.
  • Incentives for regularization: Incentive measures for agricultural companies that regularize workers, offering them contracts compliant with current regulations.
  • Support for workers: Projects to provide legal and social assistance to exploited workers, facilitating access to essential services and promoting their integration.

The media table also worked on raising public awareness, with information campaigns aimed at highlighting the reality of gangmastering and promoting responsible consumption of agricultural products. This approach aims to involve consumers in the fight against exploitation, encouraging them to choose certified products from ethical supply chains.

Future challenges

Despite progress, the fight against gangmastering remains a complex challenge. The phenomenon is fueled by a series of structural factors, including the lack of economic opportunities in the regions of origin of migrant workers and the pressure on prices exerted by large-scale retail trade.

To effectively address the problem, a continuous and coordinated effort will be necessary at national and European level.

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