Strong emotion on the Esplanade of Lille this Tuesday

Strong emotion on the Esplanade of Lille this Tuesday
Strong emotion on the Esplanade of Lille this Tuesday

Thousands of people welcomed Dany Boon and the famous Olympic flame in Lille on Tuesday, July 2 at 7 p.m. Everyone wanted to experience this moment of history and emotion.

He arrives to the cheers of a jubilant crowd, dressed all in white. Dany Boon is the last torchbearer of the Olympic flame in Lille. Thousands of people have gathered to see the arrival of the flame and its bearers.

Also read >>> REPLAY. Dany Boon, the last torchbearer in the North, lit the Olympic cauldron in our special edition

The children are perched on their parents’ shoulders, everyone’s eyes are glued to the giant screen that broadcasts the images live and phones are waving above their heads in an attempt to film this historic event. After a few short strides on the façade of the Esplanade, Dany Boon brandishes his metal torch to light the cauldron, placed in the middle of the Champs de Mars. Cheers and applause ring out.

It is very moving to hold the Olympic and Paralympic flame”, says the French actor.I was overwhelmed by the very positive fervor of the public… and of the Ch’tis, that is! There is always a good atmosphere here!“Originally from Armentières, Dany Boon tells us about coming”very often“to see his mother,”fifteen kilometers away”…And he still appreciates the atmosphere of his native region.

I was overwhelmed by the very positive fervor of the public… and of the Ch’tis, that is! There is always a good atmosphere here!

Dany Boon

actor and Olympic flame bearer

Dany Boon represents the North well with his values“, says Martine Aubry, the mayor of Lille, who has just attended the lighting of the cauldron. The mayor is thrilled by the festive atmosphere: “It’s great, isn’t it? We’re always happy to see people from Lille happy.”, she says.All this crowd, smiling, in a moment when everyone has their eyes closed and their heads down… We say to ourselves: there you have it, sport, which calls for respect and solidarity, it brings people together and makes them share emotions..

Also read >>> “Super moving and great for kids”: the parade is in full swing for the arrival of the Olympic flame in Lille

In the audience, Karine, 47, was keen to be there: “Because it’s historic to welcome the Olympic flame to France, to Lille… We’re lucky!“The mother wanted to share this moment with her daughter – and with a friend of hers.”It’s important to make all this known to all generations… We are really proud and moved to experience this moment!Whether it is the personalities present or ordinary citizens, no one in Lille will forget this beautiful moment of unity, that is certain.

It’s an incredible day, really! I’m so happy. I realize how lucky I am today!

Eve Gilles

Miss France 2024 and torchbearer

A few meters away, Ève Gilles, Miss France 2024, originally from Dunkirk, has just left the “set” of France 3, improvised in the heart of the area where the cauldron has just been lit. She, too, carried the Olympic flame.I had the chance to give the flame to Dany Boon”, says the young woman.It’s an incredible day, really! I’m so happy. I realize how lucky I am today.”, our Miss enthuses. Above all, she is delighted to be able to share this moment with a good-natured audience.It’s great to see people happy, we forget the worries of everyday life: it’s sharing.”

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