aBC…T, the Benevento Film and Television Festival letter by letter

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The eighth edition of the BCT, il Festival of the Cinema and of Television Of Benevento. A festival full of guests and ideas, so much so that it can be reviewed in alphabetical order.

A come ART DIRECTOR– Well yes, the artistic director deserves the Englishism. His national festival is increasingly international. The bis turco (After Can Yaman this year Furkan Palali) public guarantee and crazy mothers, Cherry on the cake Peter Alonso but the cream is ‘dismount’ for an unpostponable commitment of the Spanish actor. But the direction is that and in the next few years we will see some great things. Word of the director.

B come BELEN- The most anticipated, the most beautiful. She arrives in a difficult period of her life but announces that from September she will be back on video as the protagonist. Available with people, she has left many broken hearts e selfie around. The hug with the little one Matteo It’s something that moved everyone.

C come FIVE HUNDRED AND EIGHT- In eight editions of the Festival there are more than 500 The guests who participated in the Bct. More than half a thousand talents, some of these real coups at the first in Benevento. Absurd numbers, indescribable quality. Perfect equation.

D come DIANA- Naturally From the Buffalo. The opening of the Bct has seen the protagonist Roman theatre con ‘Dreams are desires’. The final exam of Anthony Frascadore (texts and direction) is entrusted to the expert hands and voice of Diana: with full marks, despite Jupiter Pluvius, obstacle overcome. And applause from the open stage and the closed sky.

E come EVAPORATE- They are those characters ‘important’, predominantly Beneventans (or Benevento, Bonolis would say), who get themselves added to the list, aiming for the front row. And then, punctually, they show no signs of life, you wait for them but they never arrive. At beneventanamanera, I am me and you…

F come FURKAN- It was thought that the Bct was fine with the Turks after Can Yaman and instead the fellow countryman Palali he almost did even better. St. Sophia Square too small to handle the actor of Terra Amara, stadium chants, women ready to do anything to have a photo with Furqan that in the Sannio awakens dormant instincts of give attempate and unleashes the jealousy of old companions.

G come JOURNALISTS- National and local, the transition to photocall their moment remains. They did not miss their presence, sometimes even a little invasive: professionalism mixed with the desire for an autograph or a selfie.

H come HOLDING- To be precise Banijay Italia Holding of the Chief Operating Officer Fabrizio Ievolella. Too many anglicisms but one certainty: a Samnite name, a career away from Benevento but full of satisfaction. He returned for the Festival and left his mark.

I come I DINZYME- The revelation of the event or at least for those who do not have children to take care of and do not know a world increasingly full of baby influencers. Children ready to praise them and mothers ready to elbow more than necessary to make room for their child to immortalize him with Erick and Dominick.

L come FAR AWAY- Benevento? But it is far away, getting there is really an ordeal. The usual story, the years pass but the city is constantly penalised by connections. If on rail something is better, up street the situation remains really complicated.

M come MASTROIANNI- The history of cinema, told by Richard Scamarcio. An event strongly desired by theUniversity of Sannioa combination that initially made many turn up their noses. Test passed, it must be said, for the actor from Bari.

N come NINE THOUSAND AND MORE- The kilometers traveled by the festival drivers, to welcome talents and festival workers. Some late, others early. Some wanted to postpone the departure, some wanted to go home ‘the same evening’ accusing the ‘longing’ of your own bed.

O come ORCHESTRA– The Philharmonic, for years alongside the BCT. An essential rib, on the occasion of ‘Dreams are desires’ they have once again demonstrated that they are a wonderful reality in a land barren of excellence.

P come PAOLO- Bonolis of course. If it’s true that sign the copy of one’s own book is an operation boring but what ‘it has to be done’Paul went further. He added at least one hundred Of dedications al signature copies, then he pleased everyone by taking pictures selfie until his driver reminded him that it was getting late and it was time to get back on the road to the capital. Stakhanovite.

Q when WHEN- When is it coming? Favino? When you take us Pandolfi? E Little Flower when you show it to us. Just ask, that moment will come sooner or later, director’s word.

R come REDEMPTION- That of a city, Benevento, that with BCT shows the most beautiful part of itself. A living room appreciated by many, especially by those who had never visited it. It leaves the capital of Sannio speechless, pushing many to stay a few more days to enjoy it to the fullest.

S come STAFF- A great event is born from a great idea (that of director Frascadore) but also and above all from a impeccable staff. From those who collaborate all year round, to the guys at the Academy, to the drivers, to security, to the hostesses and to the stage technicians.

T come SOLD OUT- Full squares, several sold-out events. Starting from Roman theatre, passing through Rome Square. In other squares, i DinsiemE, Furkan Palali e ‘Home at First Sight’ they even go in overbooking.

U come PRESS OFFICE– A big event must be communicated and managed in the best possible way. BCT he’s been doing it for years, this year he outdid himself. The Rumors, with Gianni Galli, Chiara Bolognese it’s Greta De Marsanich, they gave a new impetus to the event, attracting the presence of many national newspapers and channelling rush hour traffic in the area in the best possible way photocall.

V come VALENTINA– It’s all his, a special section competition Documentaries of the Bct. From Valentina Pedicini, originally from Follianise but who has made people talk about him everywhere in the world of cinema. Words that were missing yesterday due to the emotion of his own parents, went up on stage to award the winner of the category Julius Mastromauro.

Z come ZOOM…LET’S GO- Magnifying glass on the next edition. The Johnny Depp dream, the confirmation of a program full of talent recognized by the world of entertainment. In the middle, music, the show ‘Mare Fuori’, the Academy and much more.

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