Made in Calabria sentenced to death

Made in Calabria sentenced to death
Made in Calabria sentenced to death

According to the data provided from INPS in recent days, Italy is witnessing to a dramatic disappearance of entrepreneurs artisans. Over the last decade, beyond 318 thousand artisans have ceased their activity, with a loss of as many as 73 thousand only in 2023, marking a decrease in 4,8%.

And in this decline it makes no difference Calabria which in recent years has lost thousands of positions. Alarming numbers that highlight the growing difficulties that the self-employed must face in maintaining and thriving their businesses in an environment of ever decreasing profitability, suffocating bureaucracy e taxation high.

“The impact of this crisis is particularly evident in the craft sector. From 2014 to 2023, the number of artisan workers went from 1,775,373 to 1,456,918, a decline of 17.94%. This loss has not been compensated by new generations of artisans, creating a void that deprives the citizenry of indispensable professionals such as carpenters, plumbers, tailors, glassmakers and ice cream makers”, points out the Confartigianato Businesses Calabria.

59.4% of the artisans has over 50 yearswhile only 17.4% are under 40. The age groups between 50 and 59 years old constitute the 33.9% of the totalfollowed by the band 40-49 years old (25.2%), the over sixty represent the 25,5% and only the 4% he is under 30 years old.

“If our region and Italy do not want to quickly transform into a country where it is difficult to find artisans in various crucial sectors – then highlights the association by category – timely intervention is necessary to save these categories of self-employed workers: effective measures are needed to reduce taxation and bureaucracy, while at the same time encouraging the generational transition in artisan businesses”.

The loss of artisans It does not only represent a numerical decreasebut it also involves thedisappearance of a vast luggage Of knowledge, experiences e skills which have been passed down from generation to generation.

Italian craftsmanship is synonymous with quality, creativity and tradition. Every craftsmanship brings with it a unique story which contributes to the cultural and economic wealth of our country.

To face this crisis, for the Confartigianato it is therefore fundamental support the generational transition in artisan businesses: “without adequate turnover, we risk losing forever the professions and skills that characterize Made in Italy and that are in demand not only nationally but also internationally”.

“We are trying to put in place various initiatives to bring young people closer to the world of craftsmanship, but we need to encourage the transfer of skills and the continuity of artisan traditions with training courses, internships and apprenticeships at artisan workshops, as well as awareness campaigns aimed at young people and schools. The goal is to create a new generation of artisans capable of innovating and proudly carrying forward the techniques and knowledge of the past”, they still underline from the confederation.

For Confartigianto, however, National and regional measures are needed urgent to support the sector, promoting policies that facilitate access to creditthe training e innovationthus ensuring a sustainable future for craftsmanship.

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