AUSL Reggio Emilia: competition for administrative collaborators

AUSL Reggio Emilia: competition for administrative collaborators
AUSL Reggio Emilia: competition for administrative collaborators

The Local Health Unit Company (AUSL) of Reggio Emilia has announced a competition for administrative assistants.

The public selection is aimed at filling jobs a indefinite period, in the profile of Professional administrative collaborator in the statistics sectorwith an administrative role.

It will be possible to submit the application for admission by July 25, 2024.

Below we provide all the useful information on requirements, selection, how to apply and the announcement to download.


The AUSL Reggio Emilia has therefore announced a competition for the hiring of five administrative staff. Specifically the positions available are divided as follows:

  • n. 1 place at the Local Health Authority of Reggio Emilia;
  • n. 1 position at the Piacenza Local Health Authority;
  • n. 1 place at the University Hospital of Parma;
  • n. 1 position at the Modena Local Health Authority;
  • n. 1 place at the University Hospital of Modena.

5 separate rankings will be drawn up. Therefore, at the time of registration, the candidate must indicate in the application form which company you intend to compete for. It must be indicated only one optionunder penalty of exclusion from the selection.


Those who possess the general requirements for access to public competitions, namely:

  • citizenship Italian or from one of the countries of the European Union or from other categories indicated in the announcement;
  • enjoyment of civil and political rights;
  • registration on the electoral rolls;
  • age not less than 18 years of age and not exceeding the retirement age;
  • not to have lapsed, not to have been dismissed or relieved or fired from employment in a public administration;
  • have not had any criminal convictions and not have any pending criminal proceedings for crimes that preclude employment in the public administration;
  • be physically fit to employment.


To participate in the selection, possession of at least one of the following is also required qualifications:

  • Three-year degree obtained pursuant to Ministerial Decree 270/04 or Ministerial Decree 509/99 belonging to one of the following classes:
    – Statistical Sciences – class 37 (DM 509/99);
    – Statistics – class L 41 (DM 270/04);
    – relevant three-year diplomas from schools aimed at special purposes and equivalent university diplomas.
  • Master Degree obtained pursuant to Ministerial Decree 509/1999 belonging to one of the following classes:
    – Methods for the evaluative analysis of complex systems – class 48/S;
    – Demographic and social statistics – class 90/S;
    – Economic, financial and actuarial statistics – class 91/S;
    – Statistics for experimental research – class 92/S.
  • Master’s Degree achieved pursuant to the current university regulations, (DM n. 270/2004) belonging to one of the following classes:
    – Statistical sciences – class LM 82 (DM 270/2004);
    – Actuarial, statistical and financial sciences – class LM 83 (DM 270/2004);
    – relevant degree diplomas obtained pursuant to the previous equivalent university system.


In the event of a large number of questions, the Companies reserve the right to precede the exams with a pre-selection test. The pre-selection test will be written and will consist of solving specific multiple-choice quizzes on the subjects of the competition.

In addition to valuation of securitiescandidates will subsequently be subjected to three exam tests:

  • a written test: on topics related to the management of information flows for the evaluation of services and planning, statistical and epidemiological methods for the analysis of health data or on subjects related to the profile put up for competition;
  • a practical test: may consist of a paper relating to the analysis of reports and/or evaluation indicators of health services deriving from the information flows available in the Health Authorities
  • an oral test: focusing on the subjects covered by the written and practical test, it will also include elements of IT and the verification of knowledge, at least at a basic level, of the English language.

This public selection complies with the new rules set out in the public competition regulations.


The application to participate in the competition for collaborators at AUSL Reggio Emilia must be sent by 12.00 on 25 July 2024exclusively in telematic modeby connecting to this page.

In the online application for participation in the public competition, the candidate must declare the company for which he intends to compete.

When completing the application, candidates must also indicate their address certified electronic mail (PEC). If you don’t have one, you can read in this article how to get one in just 30 minutes, from home.


All those interested in the competition for administrative collaborators of the AUSL Reggio Emilia are invited to carefully read the NOTICE (Pdf 168 KB) which regulates the selection.

For completeness of information, the same was published in extract in the Official Journal competitions and exams series n. 51 of 25 June 2024.


If it is necessary to carry out the pre-selection test, the list of those called and the test calendar, including the presentation times, will be published on the websites of the participating companies with a at least 15 days’ notice before the date set for the test.

The date and place of the written test and the practical test will be published in the Official Journal no less than 20 days before of the start of the test. The list of admitted candidates, as well as the date of the tests, will also be published on the websites of the participating companies.


You may also be interested in other competitions for administrative staff (instructors, officials, accountants, etc.) active in Italy.

We also invite you to consult the 2024 public competitions page, which is constantly updated with the new announcements. You can also find out about the next competitions to find out which announcements will be published in the coming months and prepare yourself in time.

Finally, to always be updated on job opportunities and public selections, subscribe to our free newsletter, our Telegram, WhatsApp and TikTok channels @ticonsigliounlavoro.

Follow us on Google News by clicking on the “follow” button.

by Anna Z.

Editor, expert in public work and training.

All job advertisements published are aimed without distinction at candidates of both sexes, in full compliance with Law 903/1977.

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