V. Verona, Fresco: “Habit pushes me to move forward. Puzzled by the B teams”

V. Verona, Fresco: “Habit pushes me to move forward. Puzzled by the B teams”
V. Verona, Fresco: “Habit pushes me to move forward. Puzzled by the B teams”

“The first motivation is habit. I like football, even if in professional football you have to consider the fact that many young people, due to the low costs, often consider Virtus as a springboard”. The president and coach of Virtus Verona Luigi Fresco He spoke about what drives him to continue after 42 years at the helm of the club during the broadcast All C are TMW Radio then dwelling on various themes between the world of football and solidarity.

What is your assessment of the last season?
“We started well and then we dropped off, also due to the many injuries. With everyone available we could have fought for the top positions. To build the squad we can never take players who have had a great season, but rather those profiles looking for a relaunch. Now more than ever I look for technical players, but without the physique in modern football it is difficult”.

How important is it to train your players well, even from a human point of view?
“I have a background in psycho-pedagogy. In the early years I remember that we also looked after drug addicts, because at the time Verona was a complicated city from this point of view. Then we also helped fifty families due to the war in Yugoslavia in a project in which Damiano Tommasi, Eusebio Di Francesco and Luigi Di Biagio also participated. Finally we also got involved in the Mare Nostrum project. During the end-of-year trips I often took the players to schools and hospitals. In 1999, for example, we took three hundred kilos of medicines to Cuba. In order to raise your kids, an instructor has the duty to educate. When we go on away trips we always go to visit places of interest in the various cities”.

You’re also a fan of Zeman, right?
“He is a great coach and a great person, it was great to play against him two years ago. Besides, that year we had the team to go to Serie B”.

When you evaluate players, do you also take personal aspects into consideration?
“I always want to talk to them together. I’m fine with guys with flaws, but they have to be willing to communicate.”

This is why you have always had the famous Thursday dinner
“The first few times we ate in my doorman’s garage, the mother of some of the boys cooked. Then we started going to the pizzeria.”

Is it still possible to find any sporting values ​​in Serie C at this time?
“Values ​​can always be found. Unfortunately, some dynamics become problems, like some agents. Many are good, but others are only interested in the collection for the intermediation. Sometimes they replace the companies by offering their clients everywhere”.

Is there a coach who inspires you?
“Prandelli was great, perhaps he was not even fully understood. Another was Osvaldo Bagnoli, who had exceptional technical and tactical knowledge. Finally, I cannot forget Alberto Malesani”.

What can we expect from Atalanta U23 in your group?
“Atalanta is a good team, even if the second teams never have the competitive spirit of the others, because for them the result changes up to a certain point. Then there is no one who comes to see them, sometimes I am a bit perplexed by this idea”.

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