“The staff can’t take it anymore”, unions are heading for a state of agitation

“The staff can’t take it anymore”, unions are heading for a state of agitation
“The staff can’t take it anymore”, unions are heading for a state of agitation

TRIESTE – “The staff has always made themselves available to cover shifts in the event of short absences, but it is unthinkable or sustainable that to make up for an absence for maternity leave and a long illness we resort to the usual recalls to service which, among other things, are currently only funded until June 30, 2024, the staff can’t take it anymore”. These are, in short, the reasons that pushed Fials and Cgil to request an urgent meeting at the prefecture and, if no suitable solutions were found, to proclaim a state of agitation relating to the staff of the Hematology department of the Maggiore hospital in Trieste. The union meeting was held last June 20, but the press release was sent today, July 2.

The text of the note

“The type of patients and the pathologies treated by the staff of the Facility – the unions write – are highly specific and require, in addition to adequate training, also the utmost attention to avoid errors that could prove decisive for the lives of the people taken in. For this reason, it is necessary to have a staff of professionals capable of ensuring the assistance and care of the patients independently, without resorting to temporary solutions such as the assignment for short periods of staff from other facilities or services that, before being functional and autonomous to carry out the care activity in the department, require adequate training that the short periods of assignment hardly allow”. For this reason, the unions underline, “the only solution to guarantee patients the necessary and adequate assistance is to assign at least 4 nurses to the Facility on a permanent basis”.

The request

A request that Fials and Cgil define as “very pressing since even in the summer period there are about ten transplants scheduled that require maximum attention precisely because they are fragile and vulnerable patients and with the current provision of nursing staff, 11 shift workers H24 of which 2 absent for holidays, the minimum presence of 3 nurses per shift even at night, with the necessary skills, is not guaranteed”. Furthermore, according to the unions, the issue has also emerged relating to the “failure to recognize the semi-intensive therapy allowance which, although the Structure due to its care complexity has been recognized as such also at a regional level (see attached regional resolution), this allowance has never been recognized for the staff belonging to the UCO Hematology”.

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