Denik’s farewell to Venice: the player’s emotional farewell (video)

A touching greeting from Andrea De Nicolao who after seven seasons left theUmana Reyer Venice. Below is the transcript, at the end the video: “Dear Reyer, seven years have passed, seven years since that August 2017 in which I entered this locker room for the first time. Seven years of emotions, sporting battles, epic challenges, victories extraordinary and also of difficult moments. With the gold and gray jersey I had the honor of playing 380 matches, an incredible number. And when I think that only Michael Bramos has played more than me with this historic livery, I shudder I will always be grateful to Reyer for what she gave me. Together we won a Scudetto, an Italian Cup and a FIBA ​​Europe Cup, extraordinary goals that will always remain on the board, but above all in everyone’s hearts and memories to share the parquet with champions and exceptional men, to work with top-level coaches and to share the daily working life with many professionals who have become friends, and I am convinced that I will continue to cultivate these human relationships by carrying them within me .

A special thanks to Luigi [Brugnaro ndr] and Stefania for the esteem and affection they have always had for me and my family. Also unfailing is my thanks to president Federico Casarin for always believing in me, to the point of making me captain. It’s not easy to say goodbye to you, Reyer house. Because you have become home. Here my family and I have formed emotional bonds that will remain forever. We will return often, Venice is an important part of our life. Here with my wife we ​​have created a business, we have experienced hundreds of memorable moments even beyond sport. From the Venice Carnival, to the historical regatta, the cinema exhibition. It’s not easy to say goodbye to you, but I have to because the time has come to open a new chapter in my life and face a new challenge. I will always remain orogranate and will always continue to root for you. My last thanks go to all the Reyeri fans, for having welcomed me, supported me and encouraged me. I will always carry you in my heart: it’s time to move on, I recommend “always stay hard”. Denik out“.

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