The memorandum of understanding between the City of Turin and the Neighborhood Houses Network has been renewed

The memorandum of understanding between the City of Turin and the Neighborhood Houses Network has been renewed
The memorandum of understanding between the City of Turin and the Neighborhood Houses Network has been renewed

TURIN – The memorandum of understanding between the City of Turin, the Network of Neighborhood Houses and the managing bodies of the individual Houses has been renewed.

The renewal was established, confirming the important role that the eight Neighborhood Houses play for the city’s public policies, by a resolution approved during the last session of the municipal council, on the proposal of the councilor for Social Policies and Rights Jacopo Rosatelli.

The City of Turin has in its Statute the valorization and protection of social aggregations. To encourage them, the administration also intends to stimulate initiatives aimed at promotion and social cooperation. The Neighborhood Houses represent a good practice of co-planning between the public and private sectors, in which this priority is fully realized through volunteering and associations. Located throughout the city, the Houses present themselves as welcoming places accessible to all citizens, who here find ideal spaces for participation and social aggregation together with initiatives, projects and activities in the social and cultural sphere.

The approved document, which will be signed in the next few weeks by all interested parties, renews, for a period of four years, the agreement between the municipal administration and the eight members of the Network: Barrito, Casa nel Parco, Cascina Roccafranca, Cecchi Point, More Spazio Quattro, House in the Vallette district, Public toilets in via Agliè, House in the San Salvario district.

“The renewal of the memorandum of understanding between the City of Turin and the Network of Neighborhood Houses – states thecouncilor for Social Policies and Rights Jacopo Rosatelli – will continue a success story that continues, setting a precedent in Italy and beyond, in the name of civic participation, care of common goods with collaboration agreements, local welfare, social innovation and free initiative cultural. Each House is a haven of sociality, democracy and solidarity, thanks to the care and commitment that workers put in every day, but also thanks to the active citizenship without which none of this would be possible”.

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