Tivoli – Le Villae entrust their refreshment points: the management is worth more than a million

Tivoli – Le Villae entrust their refreshment points: the management is worth more than a million
Tivoli – Le Villae entrust their refreshment points: the management is worth more than a million

With deed no. 95 of 16.05.2024, the Institute has started the concession of spaces aimed at the provision of refreshment points in the sites of Villa D’Este (Lot 1) and Villa Adriana and Santuario Ercole Vincitore (Lot 2), all Unesco Sites belonging to the institute Hadrian’s Villa Villa d’Este – Villae.

This open procedure is entirely carried out via the online platform accessible through the System (reachable at the following link: https://app.albofornitori.it/alboeproc/albomibactvilla), with the methods and terms described in this document and in the relevant Timing of competition. The award takes place through an open procedure with application of the criterion of the most economically advantageous offer identified on the basis of the best value for money. The Sole Manager of the Project is Dr. Elena Achille (e-mail: [email protected]).

Tivoli – The first evening of ExtraVillae is a success: great show at the Sanctuary of Hercules – PHOTO
ExtraVillae, from 23 June to 28 July with great guests and screenings: download the complete programme

The general objective is to improve and strengthen services compared to the current management. The service covered by the concession includes catering, bars and cafeterias. The estimated value for the Grant is equal to €1,125,975.47net of safety costs, broken down as follows:

  • LOT 1 Villa d’Este: €818,466.27 net of security costs;
  • LOT 2 the Archaeological Area of ​​Villa Adriana (Sanctuary of Hercules Victor): €307,509.20 net of security costs.

The duration of the contract is five years, starting from the date of signing the contract or from the start of the service, if earlier. The offer must be received no later than 12.00:00 on 19 July 2024 under penalty of inadmissibility. The Platform does not accept offers submitted after the date and time established as the deadline for submitting the offer.

For any additional information, consult the attached tender specifications or the documentation at the link: https://villae.cultura.gov.it/amm-trasparente/determina-n-95-del-16-maggio-2024-per-laffidamento- in-concession-of-spaces-aimed-for-the-preparation-of-refreshment-points-on-the-sites-of-villa-deste-lot-1-and-villa-adriana-and-santuario-di-erco/

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