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«We create a network between associations. Looking for new volunteers” –

«We create a network between associations. Looking for new volunteers” –
«We create a network between associations. Looking for new volunteers” –

The center of Busto Arsizio, once again, is preparing to become a showcase for solidarity. The third edition of “Cuori in piazza” is scheduled for Sunday 8 September, from 10am to 8pm. A special opportunity to get to know the associative realities of the third sector.

A now consolidated “format”, with the Bustoche realities that will be able to present their activities and initiatives and collect registrations. But there will be no shortage of news, including an exceptional godmother or godfather yet to be announced, with the aim of placing emphasis on the need to find new volunteers.
AND It is possible to join until July 15th: «There are already forty registrations, so we estimate we will have around sixty participantslike last year», explains the councilor for Social Inclusion Paola Reguzzoni. And the project “Let’s grow together” continues, which unites shops and associations. The appeal to participate, therefore, is also addressed to traders. With the aim of networking.

«A plus edition»

“Cuori in piazza” allows associations to give visibility to projects and the work of volunteers – even beyond city boundaries – and to get in touch with companies and activities in the area.
Entertainment events and activities have been confirmed, with interviews and institutional moments. Among the new features, the “value parades” that this year will see the Harley riders flanked by police vehicles; new installations in the center that will join the one of the young people of Stoà and the “heart prize” intended for associations that stand out in innovation, communication and territory.
The whole between the squares Santa Maria, San Giovanni, Vittorio Emanuele, via Milano and via San Gregorio.
In short, confirmations and news for what Luca Torno of the Royal Time agency announces as “a plus edition”, with “oxygen” also for commercial activities: “We hope that the shops can be an active part of the day».

The stands

Councillor Reguzzoni anticipates that the associations’ stands will be divided by area of ​​intervention, «so citizens will have a clear idea of ​​where those operating in a specific area of ​​interest will be located. With small animated “sub-centres”, with burraco tournaments in the elderly area, “red noses” for minors and so on”.

This year there will also be “two institutional stands: one relating to the foster care campaign in which the Municipality is investing heavily, the other linked to Urban Wires project».
And for the first time there will be a godmother or godfather of the event, a figure who is an example of dedication to others. With the aim of «channeling attention on the need to create volunteers. We have services managed by the third sector that really need them, such as transport.”

Shops are also involved

The “Let’s grow together” initiative does not stop, twinning between associations and shops. «Last year there were about fifteen “matches” – explains Reguzzoni –. In some cases we worked very well. It is a project that I believe in and that we want to relaunch: the participating businesses that are not located in the ZTL will be able to enjoy the centrality of the eventsupporting the association during the initiative of 8 September”.

Associations and shops that would like to register can do so via the email address [email protected], indicating the sector they belong to.

The final objective, specifies Councilor Reguzzoni, is to create a network “especially for orientation between services. We struggle to communicate the opportunities that the territory offers from the point of view of the Municipality and the third sector. The purpose of the administration is precisely give the go-ahead for associations to network».

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