Milan, Fofana in pole position for midfield: challenge to Premier for second signing

Milan, Fofana in pole position for midfield: challenge to Premier for second signing
Milan, Fofana in pole position for midfield: challenge to Premier for second signing

The latest on Milan’s midfield. The Rossoneri’s signings could be two and not just one: here’s the situation

The transfer market has not yet taken off Milan. The Rossoneri club will have to experience an intense month of July at all costs to make available to Paulo Fonseca a well-equipped team. The Devil is also called upon to respond to the blows already landed by the rivals. Juve e Inter he moved in time and the Milan he is already forced to chase.

Fofana (Ansa) –

Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Giorgio Furlani e Geoffrey Moncada they have shown that they have clear ideas and know what the team needs. First of all, a striker who can take up the legacy of Olivier Giroud, but the deal Zirkzee – not yet set – has been stuck on the rock of the commissions for days. Today everything is blocked, but a little hope remains, even if the Devil is clearly looking around for other profiles. At the same time the Milan he is also called to strengthen the midfield line: the first name on the list remains that of Breathe, for which the Rossoneri club expects to close in the next few days, for around twenty million euros. The Frenchman is the perfect profile for a team that last season often had balance problems. But the player of the Monaco will not be the only purchase in midfield. The increasingly probable farewell of Bennacerin fact, opens the doors to another coup.

AC Milan transfer market, from Rabiot to Wieffer: the update on the midfielder

As we told you, Milan is cultivating the dream of giving themselves Adrien Rabiot in this transfer market session. The deal is really complicated, however, not only because of the costs (the Devil has put on the table an offer of 7 million euros for three seasons), but above all because of the competition. Juventus, in fact, has not given up yet and the Premier League, with Liverpool, are ready to break the bank.

Wiffer (Ansa) –

English teams, therefore, continue to be protagonists in Milan’s negotiations. Not only for Zirkzee, with the Manchester United, but also for the various midfielders to whom the Devil is interested. In addition to Rabiot, in fact, the red and black club has not stopped thinking about Wieffer, on which, however, there is interest from the Brighton. Always the English teams – of medium rank – can get in the way between the Milan e Carney Chukwuemeka. The name of the 20-year-old has never disappeared from the Devil’s radar, but he can land in Milan only under conditions that the Devil deems favorable.

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