The memorandum of understanding between the Municipality of Viterbo and Aism was signed

The memorandum of understanding between the Municipality of Viterbo and Aism was signed
The memorandum of understanding between the Municipality of Viterbo and Aism was signed

At the Lazio Innova active space (via Faul), the memorandum of understanding was signed between the Municipality of Viterbo and the national Aism. The event was attended by the mayor Chiara Frontini, the councilor for sport, the removal of architectural barriers and accessibility of cultural heritage Emanuele Aronne, the councilor for culture and education Alfonso Antoniozzi, the councilor for social policies Patrizia Notaristefano , the city councilors Giancarlo Martinengo, Francesca Pietrageli, Rachele Paolucci, accessible tourism & MICE – Aism and Franco Argiento, vice president of the Aism provincial section.

The Municipality and Aism have signed a document, valid for three years, in which the elective areas of current and future collaboration are identified in which concrete forms and experiences can take place, in the name of cooperation.
The second edition of the Me and you on the same platform project, launched last year by the Municipality of Viterbo – department of sport, this year presents itself alongside two important local entrepreneurial realities such as Hotel Salus Terme and WeCom, which, together with the Municipality, they will contribute to strengthening the purpose with which the project itself was born: to support the path to standardize Olympic and Paralympic fencing. Four days of events, the dates of which were not chosen at random, but designed to act as a corollary to the collegiate retreat in Viterbo of the Italian national paralympic fencing team, which will take place from 24 to 28 June at the Hotel Terme Salus, in a an appointment which marks the beginning of a fruitful collaboration between the Municipality of Viterbo and the Italian Fencing Federation.
In detail, these are the next appointments: a meeting dedicated entirely to the young people of Viterbo from the municipal council of girls and boys, girls and boys who will be able to attend the training sessions of the national fencing team;

on June 26, in the Sala Regia of Palazzo dei Priori, the event on the accessibility of accommodation facilities and the impact of sporting events of athletes with disabilities on cities will be held, the aim of which is to raise awareness among public opinion and professionals of the sector on the importance of accessibility and inclusion, while promoting sport as a tool for integration and urban development. Great anticipation for the evening event at 9.15pm, Zero Alibi, in Piazza della Repubblica, which will feature Bebe Vio, Paralympic champion and symbol of resilience and courage. On stage, next to Bebe Vio, on the opening night of Ombre Festival, there will also be other paralympic fencing athletes such as Leonardo Rigo, Edoardo Jordan, Julia Markowka who will share their experiences and goals and talk about preparing for the Paris 2024 Olympic event ;

on 27 June, in the great hall of the University of Tuscia, it will be the turn of the meeting Beyond barriers: Sport as a bridge for social inclusion. A particularly important event for which the possibility of using the AccessibleEU logo is foreseen;

final event on 28 June at 4pm, at the Active Space Lazio Innova, Let’s include ourselves sportingly, organized by Angsa Viterbo aps (association of parents of people with autism) with the presentation of the experiences and activities offered by the amateur sports associations of the area for the people with disabilities.

The complete version of the program can be consulted on the institutional website at the link

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