Pesaro, shop at Miralfiore. Lega: «Biancani talks about integration? Disturbing goodism” – News Pesaro – CentroPagina

Pesaro, shop at Miralfiore. Lega: «Biancani talks about integration? Disturbing goodism” – News Pesaro – CentroPagina
Pesaro, shop at Miralfiore. Lega: «Biancani talks about integration? Disturbing goodism” – News Pesaro – CentroPagina

PESARO – Drug dealing at Miralfiore, it’s controversy. The mayor’s words do not please the League which intervenes harshly. Biancani spoke of integration referring to foreign pushers who sell drugs.

«On drug dealing by the new mayor Biancani disconcerting and disturbing words. What kind of world does an expert politician live in who, as a new mayor, faced with citizens who have been complaining for years, instead of combating open-air drug dealing, launches into declarations of do-goodism, of tolerance and integration, even disavowing those actions carried out up to now on the issue of safety and drug dealing in Pesaro? His statements are a mix of ideology and banalizations which highlights a strong inadequacy of method and vision when faced with the problem of safety and prevention. His mayoralty couldn’t have started worse.”

The Pesaro League and the Council Group thunder against the statements on drug dealing by the new mayor Andrea Biancani. «We note that for Biancani integration means finding jobs for those who deal and that to protect our young people instead of declaring all-out war against sellers of death it also wants to dismantle those few active security facilities. But does Biancani really want us to believe, in the name of do-gooder ideology, that he is unaware of the drug dealing that constantly takes place in the Miralfiore Park area and in the grove of Via Cimarosa? How can he, who also campaigned on bicycles, not see what the Lungofoglia cycle path from the Rimini bridge to Miralfiore Park has become? A garbage dump in the open air where continuous dealing takes place, a place of illegality in the heart of the indecent city centre. But Biancani realizes that not making the park safe and removing the police forces would mean not only definitively giving away one of the most beautiful places in the city to drug dealers, but also removing a strategic cornerstone of prevention that always goes hand in hand with contrast? The new mayor Biancani could not have started his mayorship worse with reckless and inadequate declarations.”

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