confessed to the double murder

confessed to the double murder
confessed to the double murder

After a long interrogation, Luca Ricci, 50 years old, son of the couple found dead in the house in Fano yesterday morning, was arrested. He would have confessed everything in front of the prosecutor and the Flying Squad. It was he who raised the alarm and had the bodies found.

The spouses killed in Fano and their son

The turning point came within a few hours in the case of the two spouses killed in their home in Fano in via Fanella 127. For the double murder of Giuseppe Ricci75 years old, and his wife Luisa Marconi, 70 years old, his son Luca was stopped. The man, 50 years old, is the person who raised the alarm, allowing the elderly couple to be found in the house.

Luca Ricci, immediately interrogated after the discovery of the two bodies, he was arrested during the night and taken to prison for multiple homicide aggravated by cruelty: after 16 hours of interrogation he confessed to having killed both his parents. Yesterday morning the man allegedly strangled his mother Luisa Marconi and then hammered his father Giuseppe Ricci, who was found at home with a smashed skull.

The spouses killed in Fano

Luca Ricci, a separated worker and father of two children who lives on the upper floor of the house where the double murder occurred, admitted all his responsibilities before the prosecutor Maria Letizia Fucci and the Flying Squad. And he would provide too a motive for the double murder of the parents: he would kill his mother and father because they didn’t want to give him any more money after he had made them lose their house due to his debts.

What we know about the double homicide in Fano: the couple had put the house up for auction to pay off their son’s debts

Yesterday, for hours in the Fano police station, the couple’s son had first denied being involved in the double murder, then to increasingly pressing questions from the investigators he had entrenched himself in several “I don’t remember”. AND it finally collapsed.

Yesterday morning the forensic staff had also searched the fifty-year-old’s apartment, on the floor above the one where his parents lived, in search of useful elements for the investigation. Precisely in an attempt to accurately reconstruct what happened, the father’s body had not been transferred to the morgue together with that of his wife: the elderly man’s skull had been shattered by having been repeatedly hit by a blunt object. Firefighters drained a well in the garden behind the house and a hammer was found, which was recovered.

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