«Asbestos removal stopped immediately after Muraglia elections»

«Asbestos removal stopped immediately after Muraglia elections»
«Asbestos removal stopped immediately after Muraglia elections»

PESARO – «Asbestos deteriorated in the Muraglia warehouses near the sports field. Removal work started two days before the elections, then interrupted.” The Fratelli d’Italia city councilors have registered a question on the age-old asbestos problem in Muraglia.

“Unfortunately, we are forced to intervene on the now ten-year problem of the failure to remove deteriorated asbestos in Muraglia – write the group leader Daniele Malandrino and the other elected members of the FdI council group Serena Boresta, Michele Redaelli and Cristina Canciani – Next to the municipal sports field and the homes on via Terzi and via Compagni, there are warehouses with eternit roofs”. In 2014, Asur, following an inspection, certified the danger of the material for the health of residents, workers who work in the factory and hundreds of athletes who train in the municipal field of Muraglia. Ordinances by the Municipality followed, for the immediate removal of the asbestos. “10 years have passed without anything being done – they reply from FdI – despite two ordinances and numerous protests by residents and visitors to the area. This year the problem has returned to the forefront thanks to a question in the city council, the media spotlight and the commitment of the Ona». FdI recalls that «many parents of Muraglia athletes have turned with concern to the president of the football club, who, alarmed, brought the problem to the attention of Andrea Biancani, who was a candidate for mayor at the time. He had reassured them that the problem would be resolved, declaring that he would contact the owner, who was also a friend of his». At this point, Fratelli d’Italia reconstructs the final steps: «The start of the work had been assured for May 20 but we had to wait until June 6, the day on which Biancani himself posted the image of the start of the work to remove the deteriorated material, declaring that he had finally solved the problem. Voting took place on June 8 and 9 and on June 10 the work stopped and, to date, has not yet restarted». Hence the impetus to present the question to the city council “with which we ask why the works were interrupted and why in ten years the Municipality has not replaced the owner in the removal, as is permitted by law, considering that the mayor is responsible for the health and safety of his fellow citizens”.


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