Pd shock in the Bolognese area. After almost 80 years he lost two out of three fiefdoms

Pd shock in the Bolognese area. After almost 80 years he lost two out of three fiefdoms
Pd shock in the Bolognese area. After almost 80 years he lost two out of three fiefdoms

Bologna, 25 June 2024 – They are two municipalities on the outskirts of Bologna, Pianoro And Castel Maggioreto ruin the Democratic Party’s party Florence to Baripassing through Perugia.

A drop in dem ocean? Not exactly. Considering that these are two red strongholds that have never changed their faith since 1946. In short, two reversals in the runoff that are bad for a Democratic Party that European in the Bolognese hinterland he took more than 40%, yesterday forced to sign the surrender not to the centre-right, but to civic members capable of gathering even Dem pieces among the troops.

A symptom of fratricidal struggles that risk ending up in the dock of the former party, considering that tomorrow the dem’s path towards the Regionals begins. The first cold shower came to Castel Maggiore with the ‘Cose Nuove’ exploit by Luca Vignoli. The new mayor, 27 years old, managed to put together a list of under 30s that won over the citizens, but also the singer-songwriter Roberto Vecchioni. With him catho-dem and some left-wingers. Nothing to be done for councilor Paolo Gurgone, among the few to run the primaries. For him 42.3%, while Vignoli won 57.7%, a thousand votes more than in the first round.

The other shock dem has arrived at Pianorowhere the former Northern League player Luca Vecchiettini defeated (52.1% vs 47.9%) Marco Zuffi, candidate of the broad field from the Pd to the M5s, from Avs to Iv. For Vecchiettini, the contribution of Simonetta Saliera, former Democratic mayor of Pianoro and former president of the Legislative Assembly of Emilia-Romagna, who, disappointed by the Democratic Party, took the other side, was decisive. The local Democratic Party consoles itself with Casalecchiothe third most populous municipality in the Bologna area: Matteo Ruggeri defeated the former vice-rector Dario Bragasupported by the left, the Greens, Action and dem dissidents.

A derby in the centre-left, peppered with poison right to the end, but what avoided defeat. It is no coincidence that yesterday the Dem leaders were spotted toasting Casalecchio, leaving aside comments on the other challenges. “With the victory of Casalecchio we administer 18 cities out of 20 by number of inhabitants in the Region, 8 capital cities out of 10, in a framework that has rewarded the centre-left”, the words of the PD regional secretary, Luigi Tosiani. “Such a clear result entrusts a force that will have to be used in an authoritative manner so as to start mending by virtue of the next regional elections”, says the secretary of the Democratic Party of Bologna Federica Mazzoni. As metropolitan mayor, he limits himself to extending his best wishes to the new mayors Matteo Lepore, while the governor Stefano Bonaccini, as dem president, focuses on the 5 to 0 victories in the regional capitals. The center-right looks at the Pd defeats with the lens of the next regional elections. “The Democratic Party’s debacle in Castelmaggiore and Pianoro as well as Malassociazione and Molinella demonstrate how their power network is not unbreakable,” says the FdI senator Marco Lisei. Same line from the regional councilor of FI, Valentina Castaldini: “Too much arrogance from the Democratic Party. These results make us confident.” The League rejoiceswith the deputy provincial secretary, Matteo Di Benedetto: “The PD tower is shaking”.

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