Sebastiani meets Navarra today to talk about the future of Pescara – Sport

Sebastiani meets Navarra today to talk about the future of Pescara – Sport
Sebastiani meets Navarra today to talk about the future of Pescara – Sport

PESCARA. The day of the meeting between the president of Pescara Daniele Sebastiani and the entrepreneur originally from Ferentino Rosettano Navarra has arrived. Some time ago center reported the indiscretion of the interest of the former Pontedera partner for Pescara; this afternoon we will understand if that interest can transform into something concrete. It is the first step towards the construction of the new Pescara, ambitious, that next season wants to try to be a protagonist and – why not – try to return to Serie B.
The news. In recent days, Pescara president Daniele Sebastiani has also spoken with other possible buyers.
Contacts are well underway with a group of American industrialists who could decide to invest in Pescara. The answer could also arrive soon and Sebastiani will talk about this today in Navarra. Could this be the reason for the postponement of the meetings when the agreement seemed to be done?
The scenarios. Today Rosettano Navarra will tell Sebastiani what his intentions are. Enter with a small share? Enter gradually with the written agreement that in June 2025 he will take the majority? All that remains is to wait. Sebastiani will certainly explain to Navarra that there is the possibility of the Americans’ interest. In the late afternoon today the situation will be clearer.
Coach and market. From next week, with the corporate situation finally clearer, we will start talking about the market. Starting with the coach. It will all depend on how important the budget is and how strong the company is. Attilio Tesser, 66, remains the first name on the list, but at the moment there are no developments. Pescara (with sporting director Delli Carri) and the coach still under contract with Triestina met last June 1st and there is total agreement on the sporting project. And there is also an agreement on the two-year duration of the possible contract. The hiring issue remains.
Pescara is counting on Triestina’s coverage for the first year, while Tesser would like to separate his personal issues with the new contract.
This is the obstacle to be overcome by the president Daniele Sebastiani who will hardly be able to accept paying significant sums for two years. The alternative is Fabio Caserta, but in Delli Carri’s notebook there are also other names that have remained top secret. Certainly not Francesco Baldini who signed in Lecco and who was never a first choice in Pescara. And next week the big maneuvers for building the team will begin. In case of a significant budget it will be an assault on the various Curcio, Redan and Marconi, otherwise it will be a further rejuvenated team. A situation, however, that is difficult to imagine also because it will not be easy to make an already agitated place digest another championship without ambitions.
Juventus in Abruzzo. The anticipation of the should be confirmed center according to which Juventus will play a friendly match in Pescara at the Adriatico-Cornacchia stadium. The match should be played on August 3 (date to be confirmed) and the opponent will be a team from the French Ligue 1. It’s easy to think of the stadium being sold out, a bit like what happened in the summer of 2022 when Inzaghi’s Inter challenged Villareal.
Enrico Giancarli

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