Municipalities, center-right takes Lecce and Rovigo. Tajani: “Moderate mayors are a winning choice”

Municipalities, center-right takes Lecce and Rovigo. Tajani: “Moderate mayors are a winning choice”
Municipalities, center-right takes Lecce and Rovigo. Tajani: “Moderate mayors are a winning choice”

(Adnkronos) – The centre-right takes note of the victory of the centre-left in the big cities, from Florence to Bari. The conquest of 5 regional capitals had been taken into account, even if the result in Perugia is worrying: considered a real wake-up call alarm, in view of the autumn vote in Umbria now led by the Northern League member Donatella Tesei.

Fdi, Fi and Lega console themselves with the ”successes” of Lecce and Rovigo wrested from the left. At present, no coalition leader has commented on the ballots. In place of Giorgia Meloni, Antonio Tajani and Matteo Salvini their colonels make themselves heard. Forza Italia is the first to speak, through the national head of the electoral sector, Alessandro Battilocchio, who claims the ”absolute centrality” of the blue party, confirming the trend that emerged at the European elections. In particular, the early Forzista and Tajani MP underlines that the mayors of the moderate area have had ”particular success” and cites as an example Carlo Masci who “won in the first round in Pescara and today Walter Tesauro, in Caltanissetta, which allows Fi to confirm itself as the first party”. Tajani remains silent but with him, Italian sources report, he would have highlighted the good results of the FI lists, especially in the South, underlining that the moderate candidates have once again demonstrated that they have an edge and are a winning choice . Giovanni Donzelli intervenes for Fratelli d’Italia and uses a football metaphor: ”The centre-right wins 4 to 3 over the centre-left”. The organization manager in via della Scrofa explains this result in a note. ”Specifically the centre-right wins four capitals of province” to his opponent: Lecce, Rovigo, Verbania and Caltanissetta “Only three move from the centre-right to the centre-left: Perugia, Potenza and Vibo Valentia. The centre-right – the Meloni loyalist points out – has also seen its outgoing administrations confirmed in the cities of Vercelli and Urbino”. The final balance, concludes Donzelli, ”still has a positive balance”. The number two of Via Bellerio, Andrea Crippa assures: ”the League has always managed well. This is confirmed by the excellent results of the Veneto, the achievements in Piedmont such as that of Vercelli, and the victory of Lecce in Puglia historically left-wing, changing color”. ”We can only move forward with even more strength, working for the well-being of the territories”, recommends the deputy secretary of the Northern League. There is unanimous great satisfaction with the exploits of Adriana Poli Bortoni, nicknamed ‘the highlander of the centre-right’, which in fact ‘pulls’ the entire coalition with 5% of the votes. It is no coincidence that the Italian Maurizio Gasparri is keen to compliment the new mayor of the Salento capital: ”Best wishes to Adriana who returns to lead the city. of Lecce, which he administered so well in the past”. The group leader of Fi in the Senate also wishes ”the best wishes to the new mayor of Rovigo, Valeria Cittadin, and to the new mayor of Caltanissetta, Walter Tesauro, supported by Fi and the center-right coalitions, in an electoral round that presents different results in the territories . But who sees the good successes of Masci in Pescara, Gambini in Urbino, Olivero in Biella, Fioravanti in Ascoli Piceno, Fabbri in Ferrara, Zattini in Forlì, Scheda in Vercelli”. The Forzista local authorities manager has no doubts: ”Our coalition from today has more mayors in the eight thousand municipalities of Italy”. League senator Claudio Durigon is along the same lines: “Poli Bortone’s success shows that the centre-right, capable of expressing high-level figures and able to unite, wins and is ready to govern the territory, opening a new season for the city. ” “Our best wishes for good work to the new mayor of Lecce and also to the new mayor of Caltanissetta Tesauro who, we are certain – writes the coordinator of local authorities for the Carroccio in the South – are the right people to make their territories prosper, towards a better future, at the service of the citizens. The League is there and is ready to do its part”. Ignazio La Russa is not in favor of the current electoral law which needs to be revised Beyond the results of the second round of the administrative elections, who won and who lost – warns the President of the Senate – a fact emerges that should make us reflect: the double round is not saving and actually increases abstention from 62.83 % of the first round, in this round it fell well below 50%, that is, in some cases, those who have the right are elected fewer absolute votes than his opponent had in the first round.” “It’s unacceptable”, explodes La Russa, who asks to “rethink an electoral law for the local elections, perhaps following the example of the Sicilian double round or inserting suitable corrective measures to avoid distortions like these and increase participation”.

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