second most expensive province in Italy

second most expensive province in Italy
second most expensive province in Italy

Prato, 1 July 2024 – After a period of slight improvement, the province of Prato returns almost to the top of the ranking of the most expensive provinces sul fronte Rc auto. According to the analysis by Ivass, the Institute for Insurance Supervision, our province is the second most expensive in Italy in terms of average price. We are talking about a figure of 553.77 euros, which places us on a national scale behind only Naples, the black sheep with an average premium of 560,18 euro. Closing the podium is the province of Caserta with 500.35 euros. In addition to the position, the other negative note is represented by the fact that prices have started to rise again since January 2024. In fact, Ivass estimates that there will be an average increase of 7.5% on an annual basis.

“The rise in car insurance prices is not stopping – he comments Massimiliano Dona, president of the National Consumers Union -. Although slowing down compared to the 7.9% jump in December 2023, it is a lunar, unjustified and shameful increase in prices that only aims to increase profits, safeguarding them from inflation and making money on motorists. To find a higher average price you have to go back to January 2020 when it was equal to 395.60″. This last reference by Dona is related to the current average price on a national scale to take out a car insurance policy. We are talking about a figure of 389.10 euros. A figure that clearly shows how much more expensive Prato is than the rest of Italy, given that there is a difference of 163 euros compared to the national average.

“In some cities, the increase is even stratospheric and we wonder what it depends on. We would not like there to be restrictions on competition in those cities or, worse still, agreements to the detriment of consumers. For this reason, we are asking the Antitrust to ascertain the reasons for these anomalous increases, to protect motorists” concludes Dona. In this case, Prato is not in the top 30 provinces with car insurance increasing in the last year. At the top are Alessandria, Lecco, Vercelli and Biella, all with a variation of +10% compared to the average price of January 2023. Milan follows with +9.9%, and then Rome, Barletta, Belluno and Novara with +9.8%. The most ‘virtuous’ cities are Catanzaro (+3.3%), in 2nd place Nuoro (+3.7%) and in 3rd place Rimini (+4%). This means that price increases in the last year they touched all the provinces of Italy. If Prato therefore finds itself at the top of the ranking for car insurance costs, those who smile are instead three territories in the central-south: the lowest price of the policy is found in Enna with 287.36 euros, followed by Oristano with 297, 75 and finally on the lowest step of the podium is Potenza with 299.10 euros.

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